Written by Ayanlowo Eniiyi There’s scarcely a lesbian that hasn’t heard some variation of the tired old “you are not a real lesbian if you use a strap-on” argument. And honestly, what’s all the fuss about? This pleasure tool isn’t attached to a man, does great things for the cervix, and is capable of unlocking mind-blowing orgasms, provided you know what you are doing with it. Plus, let’s be real. Some of the funniest, although sometimes embarrassing, bedroom moments happen …
Category: Lesbian
Lesbian sex
Ton téléphone est allumé avec une notification. Tu l’ignore. Tu as la faim d’un loup et tu essaye de faire à manger. Il vibre à nouveau et le son vous irrite. Tu n’aimes pas que le …
Quand on s’est rencontrées, Sinny sortait avec moi en tant qu’une sorte d’expérience. Elle n’avait pas d’opinion sur le polyamory, ce qui était un problème puisqu’elle avait une petite amie avant que nous nous rencontrions. Et …
Tout le monde ne se soucie pas des apéritifs. C’est quelque chose d’arrogant que font les gens, selon l’oncle de quelqu’un, Desmond. Quand vous avez faim, vous pouvez aller manger. Les amuse-gueules et les digestifs ne …
Beneath my midnight’s sultry shroud,Two figures meld, where whispers and gasps are loud.Lips collide in sticky and sinful delight,A clandestine waltz to a pulsatin’ plight. Fingers map out constellations on dark skin divine,Traversing realms of ecstasy …
Your phone vibrates with a notification. You ignore it. You’re hungry as shit and trying to fix something to eat. It vibrates again and the sound irritates you. You don’t like that the sound interrupts Asake …
Not everyone cares for apéritifs. It’s something stuck up people do, according to someone’s uncle Desmond. When you’re hungry, you can just go right ahead and eat. Apéritifs and digestifs are just another excuse people made …
When I met Sinny, she was dating me as some kind of experiment. She was unsure of where she fell on polyamory, which was quite a problem since she had a girlfriend before we met. And …
Nala had a taste for all women. The whole-body arousal she felt at the sight of her girlfriend, for example, made her sure she was on the right side of the rainbow. The couple of them …
Written by AB Basil Araba grabbed her Valentino purse from the seat and stepped into the cool evening air of The Cocoa Royal. ‘So 7pm tomorrow, madam?’ ‘Yes, as usual,’ she said breezily. She walked towards …
I kissed a girl, and I liked it. Her lips were soft against mine, her tongue; probing, exploring, and licking away my defenses.Shy at first, then getting deeper, hotter, and wetter.I had thought of what it would …