By the second drawn out silence, it was obvious we had nothing in common. It was as if even the too-bright lights of the restaurant were designed to draw attention to our differences; his shirt which …
Category: Series
The six of us who made up the Nigerian on-site executive team all looked as if we had aged a few years in just three weeks. The seventh person, a man, looked freshly scrubbed and alert. …
Seventeen minutes. That was the time it took for my mother to get me angry. “What did I say now?” she spread her palms, flicking water onto the concrete floor as she did so. “I don’t …
Greg was running late. Again. I patted my tummy and grimaced as it bounced back, full of water. My waiter caught my eye and started walking towards me, smiling. I shook my head and he turned …
“Excuse me, please.” The woman in front of me beckoned downwards. I caught a flash of black rolling in the aisle and picked it up. “Thank you,” she said, reapplying the tube of lipstick to her …
When I opened my eyes, fifteen minutes had passed. I was still not sated. I groped for the rubber bullet and found it wedged between my leg and the cylindrical support pillow which had freed itself …
Ooh, mama. Pass the Courvoisier. First of all, congratulations, you lucky human. Take all you’ve learned from the first two ‘How tos’ and push it to the nth degree, which is probably how the Badass likes …
“Sorry,” a shoulder bumped me as I rounded the corner to the staff cafe. I looked up. “Oh, hi Todd.” “Hello. Abby,” Todd bared his teeth. “Rocking the dominatrix look today I see,” he gestured up …
My cousin Belinda is like the Candy Man; say her name three times and I swear she appears. By the time I got to work at nine on Monday morning, there were already three emails waiting …
(I’m so sorry this is late guys. Me and Abby had …issues and then I found I couldn’t log on! I hope you enjoy it and sorry again.) *** “Hey girlfriend!” “Hey, Jackie,” I said without …