Written by Miracle Okah What would society look like without rigid beauty standards? Without relentless policing of women’s bodies? Without people searching for flaws, even when there are none? Well, I know what it would look like; it would be a world where women are free and unburdened by the shackles of being the ‘Hot Girl’ or ‘It Girl’. A world where a woman could easily wear a bikini with her fupa resting comfortably on her thighs without shame. A …
Category: Sex Research
Research on sex
Par Miracle Okah Quand mon amie a découvert qu’elle était enceinte et m’en a parlé, la première question que je lui ai posée était si elle voulait garder l’enfant. C’était parce que décider de garder un …
Written by Maryam Ibrahim Have you ever read about the history of the term “hysteria”? This outdated medical term, literally meaning “wandering womb” in Greek, was once used to explain a wide range of women’s ailments, …
The Regulation of Women’s Bodies and Suppression of Sexuality Initiated by African Mothers Nigerian Women Discuss Inheriting Sexual Stigma from Their Mothers and Coping with Traumatic Realities When I was 12 years old, I exchanged a …
How Women Are Finding their Confidence – and Improving their Sex Lives through Technology The rise of technology over the last few decades has been phenomenal. Through this ever evolving space, women have encountered both significant …
Written by Nobuhle Nyoni Have you ever received a random compliment about your outfit, shoes, or skin from a stranger? You and I can agree that the feeling is priceless. The bounce in your step changes, …
Written by Precious Nwosu Pleasure is like a steaming pot of soup that envelops you, makes you salivate and stirs a kind of want in your stomach with its aroma. When it is served, it is …
Written by Miracle Okah When my friend found out she was pregnant and told me about it, the first question I asked her was if she wanted to keep the child. This was because deciding whether …
Written by: Nobuhle N Nyoni An interview with Lindiwe Rasekoala The intertwining of food and sexual desire has been a fascinating aspect of human culture for centuries. The connection between what we eat and how we …
This article is a continuation of a story published here. “I get a Hollywood wax every 3-4 months. In between that, I use Veet down there.” That was my manicurist. She pointed towards her thighs with …
“What brings you in today?” “It’s been five years since my last pap smear,” I explained with a tinkling laugh. “I figured it was time.” “The good news is that guidelines are now to have them …