The Sex Interviews Questionnaire

In a previous post I blogged about my desire to start the “Sex Interviews“. The way I see it, the sex interviews will ask everyday people (including the readers of this blog) a variety of sex related questions. BrownAngel and Kofi think the Kinsey Report is a good format to follow…my thoughts? Wow, that will only happen if I decide to do a PhD in Sexology or some related field. My current thought is to administer a questionnaire via Survey Monkey and also face to face. Kwegyirba has already agreed to conduct interviews with sex workers which I am thrilled about. Below are a list of my suggested questions for the Sex Interviews.

  1. What gender are you?
  2. How old are you?
  3. Which country do you originate from?
  4. What do you do for a living?
  5. At what age did you have your first sexual experience?
  6. At what age did you first have sex?
  7. How often do you have sex?
  8. How often would you like to have sex?
  9. Do you enjoy having sex?
  10. Do you orgasm when you have sex?
  11. Do you experience multiple orgasms?
  12. Do your prefer foreplay to intercourse?
  13. Have you ever had sex or participated in any sexual activities without your full consent?
  14. Do you have any fantasies?
  15. What are your fantasies?
  16. Are you homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual…?
  17. Have you ever sought the services of a sex worker?
  18. Do you use sex toys?
  19. Do you enjoy pornography?

If you had a 20th question what would you ask? Why stop at 20, what else would you want to ask? Your thoughts?

P.S: My thanks goes to Kofi who wanted to know why we are “slacking”. In his words “…have African women finally attained a state of sexual nirvana“.  The answer? No but we are getting there.

10 comments On The Sex Interviews Questionnaire

  • 1. Male
    4.Research Assistant
    7.not so frequently
    8. 7 is okay

    12. not really

    14. Lots

    16. Hetrosexual

    19 Yes

  • @Barima – Thank you for being the first one to answer the questionnaire. I am really interested in why you chose not to answer some of the questions. Are you happy to share your thoughts? My intention is to re-do the questionnaire in survey monkey so the answers are easily aggregated

  • Can u email the questionnaires to me so i can answer?

  • @ Ranv – You can answer the questions in a similar way to Barima. Just post your responses in the comment box. I hope that’s helpful

  • 1. Male
    6.18yrs least trice a month
    8. 7 is okay
    12. no
    14. Lots
    16. Hetrosexual
    19 Yes

  • 1. male
    2. 53 yo
    3. France
    4. computers
    5. at 20, perhaps a little more
    6. same answer
    7. not enough often — twice a year? or less
    8. twice a day, with the right woman
    9. sometimes (poor lover, probably)
    10. sometimes
    11. no — never
    12. YES
    13. no, as far as I remember
    14. LOTS!!!
    15. dominant women and around
    16. heterosexual a little curious about TG/TS but not that much
    17. sometimes, when younger
    18. I might, if the partner agrees; usually not
    19. sometimes (grin)

  • 1. I am a woman
    2. I am 25 years old
    3. I’m originally from the U.S.
    4. I work in health care
    5. I was 16 when I had my 1st sexual experience
    6. I was 17 when I first had sex
    7. I have sex at a minimum of twice a week
    8. I would you like to have sex once every other day (3-4 times a week)
    9. Yes, I LOVE sex.
    10. Yes, I orgasm when oral sex is performed on me
    11. Yes, it is possible for me to experience multiple orgasms from oral sex
    12. Hmmm I need both. No I do not prefer foreplay to intercourse
    13. No, I have never engaged sex or participated in any sexual activities without your full consent
    14. Yes I do have fantasies
    15. My fantasies include male domination w/ him worshiping me
    16. I am heterosexual
    17. I have never sought the services of a sex worker
    18. No, I do you use sex toys. Boy(s) are my toys!
    19. Yes, I enjoy pornography. Sometimes in my own experienced I feel like a star.

  • What gender are you? Male
    How old are you? 49
    Which country do you originate from? Ghana
    What do you do for a living? Write
    At what age did you have your first sexual experience? 6-7, maybe earlier, hid under a cloth on a veranda showed and touched, might have attempted some genital contact.
    At what age did you first have sex? Full-blown intercourse? 15-16.
    How often do you have sex? As often as I want…about four times a week
    How often would you like to have sex? I’d like to have some form of sexual experience each day. Full-blown intercourse to sexy touching or just erotic banter
    Do you enjoy having sex? Yes, but only when I can concentrate on it.
    Do you orgasm when you have sex? As a matter of fact, yes, but on occasion I lose my train of thought.
    Do you experience multiple orgasms? No, apparently only a few men do. But I can remain hard after I have an orgasm and that is also very pleasurable.
    Do your prefer foreplay to intercourse? Depends on who with
    Have you ever had sex or participated in any sexual activities without your full consent? Not sure…
    Do you have any fantasies? Not really, I’m curious about having anal sex because I once had a lover who thought it was absolutely great. But I have not really been gung-ho to try it.
    What are your fantasies? I don’t have any, but I do have a fetish.
    Are you homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual…? Hetero
    Have you ever sought the services of a sex worker? Yes, but then a goodly number of relationships with women in Ghana are based on exchange of sex for some material consideration.
    Do you use sex toys? No, I’d be distracted by the buzzing or the theatricality of it all.
    Do you enjoy pornography? Occasionally, but find most of it boring.

  • Female
    Does where you are born count?
    Yes both intercourse is always needed
    # Do you have any fantasies? Yes
    # What are your fantasies?
    # Are you homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual…? Straight
    # Have you ever sought the services of a sex worker? hehehehe No
    # Do you use sex toys? Yes but get bored easily
    # Do you enjoy pornography? sometimes but find it irritating i keep focusing on the acting skills or lack of should i say

  • What gender are you? Female
    How old are you? 25
    Which country do you originate from? Ghana
    What do you do for a living? In healthcare
    At what age did you have your first sexual experience? 5 or 6
    At what age did you first have sex? 21
    How often do you have sex? Umm… of late more often, like 3 times a month.
    How often would you like to have sex? With the right person – every day or every other at least!
    Do you enjoy having sex? Yes, but only when I can concentrate on it.
    Do you orgasm when you have sex? Not always
    Do you experience multiple orgasms? Occasionally
    Do your prefer foreplay to intercourse? I love a lot of foreplay before sex but never in place of sex.
    Have you ever had sex or participated in any sexual activities without your full consent? Yes
    Do you have any fantasies? Hardly ever
    What are your fantasies? My partner making love to me
    Are you homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual…? Hetero
    Have you ever sought the services of a sex worker? No
    Do you use sex toys? Not in sex but occasionally when masturbating
    Do you enjoy pornography? yes, but i only watch it alone.

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