Guest Contributor Anthony: How to Eat Pussy…. From the Giver’s Perspective

Let me get straight to the point, eating pussy is quite a turn on for me. There’s no feeling like the feeling you get when you realize you can give immense pleasure to your woman. To have her moan and scream as you eat her out. And when she reaches the big O, that sense of accomplishment and pride that comes with the knowledge that you’ve given her total satisfaction (and the knowledge that she’ll be coming back for more). All women who love to have their pussies eaten out want them eaten right.

I know for sure that I didn’t get it right all the time when I started out. And I still don’t get it right all the time. But with a bit of practice and a lot of effort I am able to get it done right a good amount of the time.
Now, for the pussy eater to really go at it like it was his last meal (speaking from a male pussy eater’s perspective only), he needs to be comfortable with the idea of diving “down there”. And she needs to be comfortable with the idea of her guy poking his face in her modesty. Now, when guys are apprehensive about going down on a woman, they’re usually thinking hygiene, smell and to an extent, taboo.

Hygiene, that’s a simple one to deal with: Ladies, good regular baths, nicely trimmed bushes (you could have your guy help you out in the shower) will tell your partner that you are ready to be pleasured. I’ve always appreciated a woman who kept herself clean and nice down there. Don’t expect any self-respecting dude to go down on “jus anytin”. Now, smell: I still can’t get over the experience I had the first time I gave head to a woman. Her scent was overpowering and it wasn’t until I was with other women that I realized that her’s was way TOO STRONG. She was an athlete and didn’t wash very well or sometimes not at all. You could smell her from a mile away when she took off her jeans. Phew! Now that I know better, I realize how risky that was.
My last girlfriend used to use a simple, fragrance-free soap to keep herself clean and fresh. And she didn’t douche, use scented soaps/sprays or some weird concoctions either. And with this warm, often humid climate, those tight, non-breathable jeans really don’t help much. I don’t think I need to talk too much about this, y’all know this. There are several good resources on the net on how to keep your “vajajay” clean and retain its unique smell. It is normal for a vagina to have a unique smell and guys, it is good to become familiar with this smell, so you’ll know if there’s a problem.

If you’re a guy and you think going down on a woman is taboo and disgusting, and you’re reading this, I don’t know what to say to you.

So, the two of you are in the mood for some lovin’. How do you get started? Here, as in penetrative sex, foreplay is everything. I know, I know, some guys are going to complain about this one, but dude you’ve got to get her WARMED UP. Don’t rush to stick your tongue in her yoni. If you’ve been with her for a while, you probably know what she likes and dislikes in the foreplay department. I also suggest you listen to her, talk about what she’d like to have done to her, pay attention to how she reacts to your attentions etc. And when she’s ready to be eaten out, she’ll let you know or with a bit of practice, you’ll know.

My initial tendency was to go straight to the clitoris and lap at it like there was no tomorrow. Now, I know better. In the beginning, you can tease, nib, lick the vulva, the hood of the clitoris, and the clitoris once in a while (using your tongue, lips, teeth-careful with the teeth, nose etc). As she gets more and more into it you can turn more and more of your efforts to the clitoris. I won’t go into specific techniques (again, the internet is a great resource) mostly because I don’t know the names for some of the techniques that worked for my partners. But the figure “8” is one technique that worked quite well. Remember to vary techniques and use your imagination. And most importantly, listen and pay attention to her. I cannot emphasize this more.

Ask for directions if you’re not sure and allow her guide you. One partner liked it when I inserted a finger or two into her while she was being eaten out. It always brought her closer to the brink faster. And when she was close to the big O, I learnt to follow her instructions almost to the letter. Though not all women issue instructions, try to know when she’s close so you can go faster and harder. Be patient and allow her to come down from her high when she orgasms. We’d often have regular penetrative sex after her orgasm which would sometimes lead to minor orgasms. Another technique to try is to eat her out until she’s at the brink and then switch to regular intercourse. The results can be quite spectacular.

Now, the important lessons here are: be comfortable with the idea of eating pussy; be clean and fresh; foreplay is everything; listen to her; and use your imagination. Hope you’ve picked up a few tips from here. Read more online, it’s all there, practice and ask questions.

One thing I’ve always wanted to know though is how lesbians get down to business and whether it’s different than when a guy does it. Hmmmm, I wonder…

105 comments On Guest Contributor Anthony: How to Eat Pussy…. From the Giver’s Perspective

  • This post is TOO HOT!!! Anthony you are the man. I initially thought of writing a tag post but you have said it all – all future lovers will be referred to this post

  • I love this post!

    I seriously think there needs to be complimentary post entitled: How to enjoy having your pussy eaten!


  • @Nana…I know, right?! Now all the ladies are gonna be tryna figure out who anthony is and where he hangs out:)

  • …okay I just finished reading the whole thing – yeah, I loved the post so much I had to comment *before* I’d finished reading:-)

    As for lesbian sex… its the same, only with a woman. I’ve found that the pressure and heat is not as intense with a woman, but that can be cause I’m not really lesbian.

    Nice post!

  • @Maameous – You know!

    @Chrysalis – That’s a great idea – why don’t you write it? I know it will be great

  • *excuse me while I come down from MY high!*

    Flippin’ ‘eck!

    Oh Anthony! I have no words. Thank you.

    Sisi, please forward this to all the boys. Now. No, seriously, now!

  • Anthony.. Honestly I don’t appreciate your post! Kyaaaaaaaaaa

    U mean to tell me you do all this and actually listen, research, practice and have improved your skill? Are you a man? An African man?

    When guys are posting stuff online..they will put their best feet or (tongues) forward and then the reality is very very dull.

    You know what I challenge you. Yes I dare you to show me just how good you are and I will rate you.

    Ladies.. this is for the greater good. Truly.. contact Nana… cos infact this boy this man. Infact…

  • @ Nana – awww, thanks. And a slight correction: All future lovers will be referred to this BLOG!

    @Chrysalis – thanks for all the love. Would love to see that complementary post about how to enjoy having your pussy eaten. I agree with Nana, you could write it.
    Now I honestly thought lesbian sex (with pussy eating) would be a lot better. You’d think a woman would know what another woman would like. Hmmm..the mystery deepens.

    @ Maameous – Hahahahahaha – Now I have this rather hilarious image of me fleeing from a teeming horde of women…Wait a second, isn’t that every man’s dream?

    @DaphneMoon – Oh…my….should i come back later? Thanks for checking out the post though.

  • Dear Antonio (sexy version of Anthony!),
    Er, what are you doing…er, later this evening?…uhm, I have , er… cooked a nice uhm, dinner… and you’re invited! Hehehe.
    Good post. I like.

  • LMAO @ Brownangel! You are bad bad bad!…Not subtle like me at all! Hahaha! Antonio, please choose which offer you accept…. Hehehe.

  • @BrownAngel – LOL!! Sorry to disappoint you ooo but its all true. I am indeed a modern African man and have been fortunate to meet very open-minded people from whom I’ve learnt a lot.

    Will send you my resume. References available upon request. LOL.

  • @Kwegyirba – Ohhhhhh, I like Antonio! And I’m glad you like the post. What’s for dinner by the way?

  • Gosh. I feel a little dirty…and hot. Anthony, my husband will have to send you an email to thank you for tonight’s premeditated molesting he’s about to receive.


    Anthony dude, I love you post!

    It’s obvious that you get off on your partner enjoying sex and take the time and effort to make sure that she does. I wish more men were like you. It’s great, you seem very comfortable in your own skin.

    I look forward to your next post!

  • So the lady call you Antonio norrr then you are melting?
    LOL.. Kwegiriba… subtle? A man like this is probably engaged or married so you have to be very blunt so he understands.
    U want to feed him, I want to engage in some socio-cultural research.

    Broda Anthony… I repeat contact Nana for my Info. Its a friday night and i’ve already had a cocktail. so no long tins. U hear..

  • Wow! I have to erm, collect myself and then come back and comment. Every thing you said was right on point – I don’t even know where to begin 🙂 Kudos!

  • @Brown Angel and Kwegyirba – You guys are giving me mad jokes. I am laughing so hard. Ei! Brown Angel, I shall charge you for “pimping” services oooo…better forget about Anthony aka Antonio and look for the nearest vibrator

  • My 2 cents…

    It’s called “eating” for a reason – anthony took the words right out of my mouth: go at it like it’s you last meal”! No tentative probing with the tip of your tongue. Vary positions – I don’t always have to be on my back with your face between my legs. Standing with one leg over the giver’s shoulder is pretty hot too because i love getting weak-kneed when it gets really good; sit in a chair or on stairs and have the giver kneel between your legs; straddle his/her face and have them reach up to eat u out; 69 is good too but less of a favorite because it’s hard for either party to concentrate and deliver fully.

    Men need to understand that oral sex is an entire sexual activity in itself and must not necessarily be a precursor to penetrative sex so there is no need to rush. That said, I do like to have (a) finger(s) inside me alongside the tongue action – anything that combines g-spot and clit action is a winner in my book!

    And please please please when you find a rhythm that works (you’ll know from my moaning/breathing) stick with it! Don’t decide to get creative at that point cuz i’ll most likely lose the wonderful orgasm that was coming (pun intended).

    Oh and feel free to kiss me during/after 🙂

  • As a girl who has given/received head to/from girls and guys I agree that girls have a better sense of what I want. I must say though, that I have encountered guys who are equally gifted so it really all depends.

    One nice technique is to kiss her lips like you would kiss the ones on her face.

    @Nana – is there a way to read all the comments on all the posts collectively, i.e. apart from the recent comments list on the right (which lists only 10 or so), or clicking through post by post to check the comments?

  • @ Nana – I’m so happy you let him post this ah! It is sooooooooooo hot!

    @ Anthony – Chale, I’m lost for words, that was so accurate and hmmmm….! I going through a cunninglingus draught right now, oh Chale! 🙁

    I must say BrownAngel and Kwegyirba have the right idea, my idea…should I add myself to the list of adoring fans trying to, er, conduct, er, research for the blog…as to how good ur instructions are? If Guinea pigs are needed in this area, feel free to holla…:D

  • @ Shane – Position is IMPORTANT, preach it girl! And KILL all men who catch the rhythm then decide they are ‘superman’ and should then try to do something ‘spectacular’…dude I WAS NEARLY THERE! KMT

  • @Nsoromma – I believe it was your initial suggestion that Anthony writes a guest post (seconded by myself and Shane) so all credit to you – look at the result!!!

    @Sappho – Unfortunately the only way to read all the comments on the post is through the dashboard which is restricted to the website admin (myself). I will ask my designer if there is another way though…I am also looking for posts on Lesbian sex…are you able to oblige. My blog has a very heterosexual slant which was never the intention. I want to meet all needs if possible

    @Shane – I have never experienced oral sex standing up or in any other position apart from the convention. I have to try the leg over the shoulder routine, it sounds amazing

    How did I guess this post would very quickly be one of the most popular?

  • Hey Tony, I am sorry about your experience with the female athlete. I guess you learned a lot from that lesson

  • I kiss, lick, suck, nibble and love me a good pussy and I’m really appreciative of the response I’m getting from the ladies up in here. I doubt it’s representative of the majority’s feelings on the subject though ‘cos most of the ladies whose intimates I’ve explored with my long-lasting boner would absolutely not have me pleasure-taste them. I had to beg one ms. to let me at it – whooooo, she almost broke a brother’s neck with her thighs seconds into it! And she wouldn’t do it again…y’all sisters need to educate each other. i mean that, gosh it been a while since i ate any. i’m hungry 🙂

    ps: ….and i’m an african, ghanaian(yes, both parents are too) , young man.

  • Yikes, I’m getting vertigo from the hints about what to do first, which positions to do it in.

    Folks, the best sex is relaxed non-goal-oriented sex. Throw out the rulebooks, if you want rules, try trusting friendship. Forget technique, or if you want technique, try deep relaxing breathing. Don’t have sex, have together time, talk for an hour before sex. Talk about anything. It’s not a movie, abjure directorial interventions. Relax and let it happen!

    The Minimalist View.

  • Shane gaaal… Tell em! Am witchu on this one.! woooooo
    This post has come at a very bad time. No mans in my life so looking @ everyman dem as potential carpet muncher!!! teheheh
    Anthony – where you @ boy ? You need to hide!!!

  • Wow…. Wow… Monsieur Antoine (French for Anthony), tu est impeccable! Merci beaucoup. I do agree with your view, and I do want to emphasize that it is imperative that the man is able to interpret the message the woman relates during cunninlingus, because for all you know she could be hurting not moaning. 🙂 But, thank you for such an insight!

  • There are guys like Anthony out there. Look for them! Also, not a lot of Ghanaian women are open to receiving head. We need to start a revolucion! Aluta.
    I have actually pounded my chest a la Usain Bolt after good head sessions. There’s nothing like being scratched on your arms and back while the woman is bucking wildly as she cums.
    Men, eat! Women, feed the men!
    Oh, and in addition to Anthony’s excellent suggestions, guys can try tracing the alphabet around the clit. Do it right and you should be rewarded by O!
    p.s. Giving head is NOT foreplay. It doesn’t need to lead to sex. Giving head itself is the final act: the pièce de résistance!

  • @ Abena – Hahahaha, please ooo, don’t molest him too much… ;). Oh and what a way to keep the flame alive!

    @ Enn – Like you, I do wish a lot more men would be more sensitive to the sexual needs of their partners. I’ve always believed in communication as a foundation for great sex. No compromise on that. And of course, make the sexual journey a shared one and the results can be explosive.

    I hope I get to contribute again to this space (with Nana and Abena’s permission of course).

    @BrownAngel – There’s something about a woman calling me Antonio AND cooking me dinner that I just can’t resist.

    And erm concerning the research…I hope your team has prepared a conducive and suitable research environment, I think your work has the potential of changing the course of I right?

    @Shane – Wow Shane! Your tip about varying positions is great. My last girlfriend found other positions too intense and a bit uncomfortable. So we stuck with what worked.
    And you’re sooo right about the 69 position! Uncomfortable for everyone involved and frankly, a waste of time.

    And “feel free to kiss me during/after”? Wooow, wish more women were like you.

    @ Sappho – Good point. I guess it does depend on how well one is able to respond to their partner’s needs. So it doesn’t matter whether its a guy or girl giving.

    @ Nsoromma – Oh…a cunninglingus drought? Hmmmm, you and me both, you and me both. Please don’t ask… 🙁
    The rains shall come soon, I assure you.
    As for this research, I’m beginning to doubt I’ll come out of it alive if I stick my head into it (no pun intended, lol).

    @ Edward – thanks for commiserating with me. I’m just glad the experience didn’t put me off oral sex totally.Most importantly, I learnt a valuable lesson or two from it.

    @ Kwame – Really appreciate you pointing out that not a lot of women like to have their men go down on them, for various reasons (taboo, social conditioning: it’s a dirty place and only one thing goes there, too wound up to enjoy the experience etc., ). And I think its a shame you have to beg them to let you “pleasure-taste” them. ( I spent an entire weekend literally begging this hot Russian woman to let me to have a go at it. She said NO!) Any ideas on how to get the word out? I tell as many friends as I can, when I can.

  • @Kofi Ametewee – I found out early on that the build-up to great sex consists of most of the elements you’ve mentioned: trust, friendship, together time etc. That said, technique is also important. Worst thing that can happen is to get her ready emotionally and mentally, and not be able to fulfill her physically. Its simply frustrating!
    And I would appreciate a bit more explanation on non-goal oriented sex. Isn’t that a self-defeating chore?

    @warmspirit – Oi, seems a lot of peeps are gnashing! warmspirit, it shall be well.
    I should be hiding? Hehehe, I’m already as far away as I can be, lol.

    L’amoureuse – Je n’aime pas ca. Pourquoi tu me taquines comme ca? Lol… T’sais, “Antoine” m’attendrit le coeur…
    I’m happy nous sommes d’accord sur ce point. Though I must admit that it takes a lot of patience and work, for men especially, to understand and interpret the subtle and not-so-subtle messages women send out to their partners. I wish there was a manual for this.

    @Awansona – Thank you so much sah. It looks like our generation is willing to explore and break barriers.
    And I do agree with you that giving head can be the end in itself.

  • @Shane and Anthony – I don’t agree that 69 is uncomfortable at all! I still think its still one of the best positions ever

  • Tony all I have to say is your going down technique is okay… try a finger or two in there, tongue sliding up and down the clit and working the left tit with the other hand… and get back to moi…

    That’s a teaser right…lol

  • I must admit Toney gave a good descriptionof how to eat pussy. He is right, you’ve got to like it. – both as a giver and as a receiver. Am so glad he mentioned the unique scent of a woman’s pussy, it is a super turn-on. Even being married for 14 years, i still find eating my wife’s pussy a great pleasure. Yes, I have shaved her, (BTW we are not really sexual, well she si not) even she like her pussy eating. On ocassion when she takes shower before sex, she cleaned so much that the sent is gone and the sensation, for me is not entirely there.
    One poster mention Nii Ayi mentioned inserting (this word is too clinical) a or tow while eating, naturally that’s part of it. But have you inserted a finger in the her ass? No all the way, just lightly, barely an inch deep, so she doesn’t feel violated in that area…
    69 is sort of uncomfortable since am tall and she is short, pluse she is not good giving head anyway, so I just get down…
    Well, my 2 cents..

  • Greatfulllllllllllllll.

  • Ya!! totally a good pussy buffet keeps the pimples away!!

  • I totally love this website!!! Hi everyone…

  • @ Nish – Is that so? Oh well, that’s a good enough reason:)

    @Phoenix – Hiya and welcome to Adventures

  • I looove this post. Lol Antonio, please call +256 717 333 303 I dare you ha!

  • @Milan – Hmmm, I was doubtful about uploading your comment. Concerned you may get all sorts of hoaxers/pranksters calling you. Let me know how it goes

  • I doubt it! Everyone seems pretty mature on this blog 🙂

  • This a great article, hawt and instructive at the same time.

  • woooooooooooow!!!i just learnt that i could be a reviewer since am not so passionate about writing but love to READ. This post is off the jhizzle (hot,more than educative,watever dat means). I am a good christian and would love to eat some pussy some day(sharksss,i just realised my virginity is confused too, the mental thing is killling me softly..hehe).
    Thumps up Anthony, i owe you one day.
    @Tagoe: i think you are such a pessimist (my

  • ooooh…i forgot to add that am such a good learner.
    @Nana: you could hook me up if anybody needed a research assitant cum student.;)

  • @ean! I charge for hook ups 🙂

  • Antonio ma cheri Coco, your post was tooo hot to handle!!! Daammnnn Boy, you made my liver quiver. Goodness me (swatting myself with a huge fan), I’m just so speechless I am. Father forgive me for I have sinned mightily with my imagination.


  • Wow! Just plain wow! As a dude who enjoys receiving head, I felt it was only fair that I become adept at returning the favor. To me, eating pussy is a high art form, one which I am still mastering.

    There’s nothing more satisfying than having your woman trembling, screaming your name, and finally, spent, and wondering aloud what her own name is.

  • Firstly, I must thank our guest contributor Anthony for the well written blog. I suppose for some of us it dawned late but I must say that it was well worth it. So after paging through tons and tons of internet communities, forums and blogs I came across this site and I have been enjoying the read eve since. After reading this blog in particular, the thought of encoporating “eating pussy” in the bedroom has been running through my mind and I have dismissed it so many times in my mind during intercourse with my partner that it bothered me. so I decided to see what this was all about, but obviously not wanting to make a fool of myself and wanting to do it right the first time, I re-read this blog so that I can understand the desired outputs for both me and my partner…… after passionate kisses and the ussual “I want you and you want me undressing” I consiously began to pay attention to her body language and responded acordingly…kissing and nibling my way down the natural scent I came across seemed to be a huhge turn on for me, which escalated my interest in prolonging and keeping her pleasure nodes as high as possible…as I slowly kissed and manuvered my way in and around her punani,enjoying it myself, I realised how much pleasure and fun I had been depriving me and my partner by not accepting/wanting to change….Thanks to to the guest contibutor and all of you guys…I have opened a door I do not intend on closing anytime soon and judging from the reaction and responses I keep getting from my partner this s be gining of something we are both looking forward to. . . Nana and all contributors thank you for keeping your diffrent views and posting valuable and informative details that affect our society.

  • @Joseph – Ohhh, your comment made me soo happy.A least I can say that thanks to Adventures there is hopefully one woman and man out there having better, more enjoyable sex! Don’t forget to be safe though…

  • @JosephP, Glad you found the post useful…

  • Wow!

    Interesting indeed…

  • Hi girls. I know it’s weird that I’m male and European. I just discovered your site and especially this post. It is well documented and available for everyone.
    Enjoy and have fun!

  • @ Anthony…hav u finished with BrownAngel and Kwegyirba???? Would like to know for myself if u will ace any exam i set before u lol. no long tins biaaa…we will just get str8 to the point..”u do me i do u” any angle any position hehehehe
    But daayuum….just reading this whole blog just got me so aroused, what a bummer…no man in my life, hmmm. where are all the experienced good ghanaian pussy eaters (men) never received head from a woman and dont intend to give or receive…no offence, i go strictly dickly.
    Seriously lets keep blogging cos its so educational and sexy whoop whoop!!!

  • @ Anthony: I agree with everything u said EXCEPT for the teeth…
    I do NOT like teeth on my pussy AT ALL, even lightly!
    In fact, I don’t like teeth on my nipples, pussy, skin…NOTHIN!
    A muthafuck just might get thrown off me using his teeth, lol!!
    Everything GOTTA be gentle… NO TEETH!

    Great post!!
    We MUST meet, so u can meet MY meat, lol…

  • Eating pussy is an art form.Done right women love it, done wrong hmm abi u

  • Anthony, unlike you I suffer from sinusitis. Which is rather lucky for me because I’ll eat any pussy you set on the plate. I must say though that the only mishap I have had will eating a lady out is when she actually squirted in my eye. The burning sensation took a couple of days to stop. These days I eat with my eyes wide shut.

  • I found your article interesting but unfortunately for me. Those are all normal activities for me the only negative thing. Foreplay is essential hugging, kissing and fondling and if possible, take a shower before hand it’s quite enjoyable. It’s quite enjoyable washing one anothers fronts and backs and genitals.

  • damn…i just got reducated all over again…great pussy post…lol

  • i love sex and all, i want sex all the time

    but nothing beats having my husband eat my pussy, it gives me fits, its so yummy it gives me multiples…..

    as an african girl, i know we african ladies are not very open about our sexuality, its a shame really

  • African cutie….i love your boldness, actually its only in the confines of the bed that your find out that most African girls really love to explore their sensuality and sexuality….if there is one thing i love about a women, is one your imagination has no limit…after all..good sex is one hell of stress reliever… great sex….is an entirely different feel…

  • Hi Nana,decided to check your blog out after i saw you on “The One Show”……..and wow, its quite an interesting blog.Anthony your write up is good and its not so easy to get gh men talk so openly about pussy eating.i think you need to educate some of your guys cos they think they know it all.
    Good work!

  • Anthony, great post. I particularly love the responses from the ladies. Those of us who love to endure in the practice, can use as much insight into this very pleasureable and demanding activity. Yet, the rewards (if I can use that word) is what makes it so worth it. From the moment you start to perform cunnilingus, it seems like a journey. A journey to find the path to pleasure (or pleasing). That moment you kiss her belly or her lips and suddenly learn of her excitement (a tad of moisture) you feel the first achievement. Then you think about what to do next. Suddenly you think of a tease. Maybe keeping her legs tightly closed while you “struggle” to get access to something she is so willing for you to have. Or maybe you decide to lick up and down her slit, consciously avoiding her clit until you sense the begging (just prior to her telling you that you are just being annoying), or maybe the lightest licks as you circle around the outermost edges of her clit. Personally I know that teasing is so much fun, but the resisting of diving in excites me to no end. Yet, each step seems to have its own reward, none greater than when she finally cums. And wishfully begs you to continue after she catches her breath. Yep, good stuff. I swear I can do it and be fully dressed without any self-centeredness.

    One intriguing comment was one lady stated “when you find the spot and you she is getting close, Do Not start experimenting something new.” I understand it, but have always been a bit confused when watching a woman masturbate how she seems to frequently change her technique. Sometimes it appears, even she does not know what feels best.

    I wanted to say thanks to everyone on this sight (which I found today). And if Anthony is unavailable, I’d love to help him fullfill all the dinner offers. 🙂

  • Pingback: How to have your pussy eaten « Bedroom Tales ()

  • I am reminded of an encounter I had in the university when I got lucky and was offered a blissful afternoon by a sweet lady. An initial frantic sex was over and I was catching my breath when this lady insisted on doing it again. For some reason Mr. Woody went flaccid and no amount of stimulation would get it up. After about 45 mins of trying unsuccessfully my lady asked to be eaten out. I obliged and set down to the task. Her writhing and moaning like magic shot Mr. Woody back to parade. I stopped showed it with pride and moved to use it. I was ordered back to lick duty which I continued till my head was slammed shut within her thighs as she orgasmed. Guess what? Mr. Woody was rewarded with another go after this sweet lady recovered her breath this time. So guys, If you ever have fatigue play you up, go down! You’ll always rise again.

  • @roots4life
    1) There is a situation I have known for a lifetime. My biggest fear is going beyond the upstart of “wood” and being done before she even knows about the resurrection.
    2) I bet you were thankful that it was your upper head between her legs when she came so “violently” and not the other head.

  • @Arby – Ha ha ha! Thankful indeed. But I had this ‘whooooosh’ sound in my head for weeks, I remember. Was like a double slap with them toned thighs.

  • @ Anthony: This makes for vry interesting reading, as do the comments. I’ve enjoyed reading them all. I think I’m gonna be an avid follower of this blog. Keep the good stuff coming! (no pun intended!)

  • Seriously, I am a Christian and wondering: is oral sex a sin? Is it ‘acceptable’ to GOD? Any biblical support? Coz it seems disgusting to me thus, rather surprising to me that many other adults commenting on this blog seem to be aroused by the thought of oral sex.

    Someone help me out.

  • @Dede Dee

    I am a Deist but know the Bible quiet well. There is noting in the Bible that indicates that oral sex is a sin. Can someone prove me wrong?

  • @Dude Dee – oral sex being “disgusting to you” and it being “acceptable to God” are two totally different considerations….

    Unfortunately a lot of “Christians” (substitute “religious folk”) begin to imagine extra rules about how they should live in addition to what they already have in their Holy Books as they encounter new things/innovations/discoveries etc etc etc.

    This is why they do this: The rules sanitizes and stabilizes the world around them. Gives them an unmoving point of reference…and frankly makes them hostile to change, to the NEW, to the previously undiscovered etc.

    Anything that threatens the stability provided by the rules must be rooted out, done away with. And it is done by branding/coating that thing that threatens the stability as a SIN!!!

    Please don’t mix the two up…”disgusting to you”? – fine, some people find it disgusting…but “acceptable to God”? hmmm…this is the wrong place to discuss that.

  • @ Dude Dee

    Just reiterating what Anthony and Pethunt said…disgusting? That’s up to your personal preference. But I have a hard time classifying it as a sin. I don’t see it as something with a moral argument attached to it. As far as I am aware the bible doesn’t make any moral judgements on how sexual organs should be, er, enjoyed. The only sexually related topics I know of in the Good Book are promiscuity (or infidelity) and homosexuality. Neither of which stipulate details about where in/on the body sex can be enjoyed. That’s as far as I will go.

    I don’t think this post was about the moral virtues of oral sex, so I don’t think this should be discussed any further. Although, you are free to ask Nana to knock together a piece (or write your own) on it.

  • So I just stumbled across this blog and WOW!! Anthony….WOW!! I can’t remember the last time I squirmed so much at my desk! 😉

  • @roots4life: “If you ever have fatigue play you up, go down! You’ll always rise again” is a great line. It should be on a banner at every male gathering, and in a pop song. BTW, Good article!

  • Hi Andre, I made the correction as requested…

  • Pussy eating is just great… i eat the pussy of the first girl i ever dated in my life(she actually requested for it)most Ghanaian men go like;”ahhhh why should i eat a woman’s pussy?” especially most of my friends… but i am very happy to find out from the various comments that there are men who really are involved in pussy eating,after all,i was not the only one! wow this is really a master piece…..good work Anthony!

  • Anthony,i must say you write well.the scent issue has always been a concern,but it’s comforting when one meets a woman who makes you feel comfortable going down there.A friend of mine says “Great sex is always dependent the woman you are having it with and i think you can really be creative in bed depending on the woman you have sex with..good post

  • olololololoolololo! Anthony MARRY me!!!!! Our honeymoon would never end oo.

  • Maybe I should write that post, you know, how to enjoy having your pussy eaten…Hmmm….

  • I will! What email address should I send it to?

  • @Dude Dee.
    Oral sex, giving or receiving, isn’t necessarily a “sin,” especially in marriage.

    Can see it being lustful and leading to penetration if done outside of marriage, like I did with a few “Christian” ladies in my 20s.

    Would make love to their holy womanhood via my tongue and mouth, bringing them to intense orgasm.
    Loved to hear and feel the throbbing excitement as I pleasured these “Christian” girls….

    When the time was right, would move up to their face and lips and properly position you know what and demonstrate my love that way.
    Now, TBH, some would take their hands and “block” me, saying they’re “pure” and “were waiting” until marriage.

    A few “Good Girls” usually dropped “all resistance” and allowed me to proceed.

    Funny how they weren’t “so strict” on “saving themselves” for marriage once my mouth and tongue did its thing.

    Giving these Christian ladies that kind of pleasure was almost as good a feeling as the thrusting they’d also let me do…..

  • Well it turns out all you muff divers can look forward to greatly increased risk of head and throat cancers due to the HPV that many women have, especially if they are not so virginal. Oops!
    You shoulda listened to the Pope and stuck to those very young altar boys, like his priests do!

    • @ ‘Strictly Missionary’ – You raise a crucial point re increased risk of oral cancers…but I would have thought the obvious advice would have been to recommend STD tests, the use of dams in oral sex or condoms in blow jobs

  • A fantastic post. Well done to Anthony for writing it.

  • @ Dude Dee
    Songs of Solomon chapter 2 verse 3.
    Interprete as you will

  • wow!!! Tony i really love this piece cheers thumps up

  • Ok not new to this, but I recently started chatting, all the time with a woman who has been circumcised, and yeah have done all you have mentioned, and the clit is usually the go to spot, what do you do when it’s not there? I haven’t met her yet, but we already know what we are going to do when we meet, and I already told her how I roll, I don’t want to let her down, sex isn’t enjoyable for me unless she is having a great time too, do you have any suggestions?

  • @ kurt: when i was in uni, i met a woman who had been a victim of female genital mutilation (i prefer to call it by this rather than female circumcision, personal choice!) and was now an advocate against the practice. of course the first question we all asked her was how she got pleasure from sex and she said that for her something as small as someone repeatedly caressing her neck, ears, thighs, lower back etc. could send her over the edge. so kurt, i think that you should specifically ask this woman you’ve been talking to what things get her off in bed and even if she doesnt know herself (sometimes we women don’t know exactly what we like in bed cos we’ve nt bn allowed to explore by society) then both of you can find out together thru trial and error! mmm, i’m sure that shd be excitin!

  • luuuv this…cant wait to put words into action!

  • Here’s my take on eating pussy.

    I see muff-diving as a prelude or foreplay to intercourse, to get the woman ready for a good lay.
    It’s especially good for the “Christian” gals, the ones hesitant about giving their “innocent” pussies to their guy outside of marriage.

    Once a guy gets his tongue in her, and brings her to orgasm, it helps lower her inhibitions. Soon, she’ll likely moan and cry for her man, particularly if he isn’t a believer, to enter her and show her the world of love and sex.
    She’ll more easily put-aside her convctions and let her guy have his way with her.

    One Christian virgin I dated in my late 20s, the technique worked, and soon we made love. She couldn’t really call herself “innocent” as she gave me a lot of oral and I made love to her bushy pussy, rubbing my lips up against her “innocent” public hair. I know she wanted me.

    As I prepared to enter her, she told me she wanted me but as a Christian, didn’t want to get pregnant and wanted “some semblance” of innocence… She asked if I could withdraw moments before I cummed.
    Told me she felt “not having my seed” in her would be better on her conscience.
    I agreed and it was very hard to pull-out as I nearly cummed into her Christian pussy, but the feeling of releasing onto her “innocent” tummy was a good sight. The loving look this Christian woman had in her eyes…

  • One thing that really helps get the gals “in the mood” and “ready” for my rock-hard cock, especially the “Christian” virgin gals, is in “everything…but” foreplay or sex play, will stop thrusting between their virgin thighs and move my rod and rub it UP AGAINST their wet and so wlling virgin pussies.

    Me moving the forehead against the naive, virgin’s labia, moving it down, up again and thrusting up against her sensous pubic hair.. .that can often get to them.

    She might say, as I make love to her virgin pussy on the outside, “….I’m a virgin, Bill… please don’t….”
    Will reply, “Yes, I know and like that about you. You won’t fuck just anyone. But this feels so good to me, letting me make love to you this way, without entering your beautiful pussy…”

    As I’ve eaten her pussy earlire and sucked on her breasts, particularly while I rub my penis against her wet pussy… it can start to wear-down some resistance.

    Her “Good Girl” Christian morality soon goes out the door…
    Next thing you know, she’s “directing” my hungry penis INTO HER labia… where I plunge in and puncture her holy hymen, which she wanted so “save” for her husband, a Christian man no doubt.

    If she doesn’t “guide me in,” will keep rubbing up against her, and eventually try to enter.
    Most won’t resist. They’re so wet anyway from the stimulation and aren’t so worried about “sinning” anymore and just let me “slide it in…”

    Will fuck the life out of the Christian girl and show her my erotic, Christian love… and taste her Christian pussy in all its beauty….
    May tell her I love her as I cum into her “innocent” Christian pussy… which she spreads “wide-open” for me, sending me signals who she prefers at the moment…

    How do I know she’s not so “uptight” about her morality?
    After we’ve made love, she’ll work to “biring me back” with her hands and later, virgin mouth, where she sucks the life out of me.
    She’ll climb on top of me and ride me as I fuck her more.

    The cross she has hanging between her supple breasts swings wildly, and occasionally hits my head while suck her boobs and prssing my Christian penis ever deper into her loving Christian virgin pussy, which she’s given me entirely…

  • WELL,AFRICAN SISTERS It sure seems like you girls av got ur minds made up.When a friend showed me this site i realised where she was getting her wild ideas from.
    Damn gone are the days when men could do as they please and still come back for more.
    With sites like this,you women are going to cause a whole heap of confusion coz no be every man dey 4dis una agenda o. I beg.
    What next? From disgracing us to making us wear una blouse?
    What youre doin is havin effect on other guys style and enjoyment.
    The only saving grace is that our women are still too inhibited to even suggest licking and sucking.
    That is apart from the oversexed females wey dey act like say man na toy for una pleasure.
    Its still intresting to know wetin dey inside womens minds,no wonder my friend is being sidetracked and brainwashed.
    She reads the mad ideas you girls are putting out.

  • Tolu, abegi, we can’t with you this night. Siddon first, make I edit my post finish. I dey come.

    Do you get blow jobs by any chance?

  • @ Tolu,

    My sister I stand with you in your despair. What Nana and co have is filthy, shameless, and unAfrican! These ghels are dirrrrty, and will go to hell. Please watch these videos, they ministered to me.

    This one, my sista was the MOST important. The celebratory atmosphere after having indulged in the material in either of these videos just truly blessed my soul. I hope you are too.

    Please if you have more thoughts/comments feel free to contact me. God bless you my sister.

  • This really made me laugh. Brilliantly honest. Thanks Anthony

  • this is called eating with a PURPOSE. men have to learn and understand that foreplay is not a mere formality or process of love making BUT an act to produce a result of getting her soaked into the love making process body,soul and mind which will lead to ULTIMATE organism .she doesn’t automatically reach orgasm or get soaked into the act just because you (he) put your hand around her vagina. TOUCH WITH A PURPOSE and learn to read her body language as well for directions. her direction may not always come in words. Thanks Anthony . i will be gad to meet you in the bedroom doh! lol

  • Pingback: ‘How to lick the lollipop’ by VV ()

  • The last I ate pussy the lady in question almost broke my neck when she got to orgasm.

  • Don: White Chocolate

    I am a White man in Kenya. My lady is an Ebony goddess. I just found this site and am enjoying the comments of all the women on a variety of sexually-related issues.

  • Don: White Chocolate

    I spend a great deal of time eating–not just licking–my lady’s pussy. I love it. I always begin by gently licking both lips. That does get her wild and very wet. Then I routinely lick her clit; faster and harder when she gets really worked up. Then I go deep and all around inside her. I DO NOT consider myself successful until my Queen repeatedly squirts. I try to swallow all of it, but sometimes it is too much to swallow, so I let it flow all over my face. I love that all over my face and later all over my cock and balls. It makes me feel like I did my Queen right.

  • Don: White Chocolate

    DYK–If your man doesn’t eat–not just lick–your pussy, don’t suck his cock. He will change his attitude very quickly.

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