Visual Prompt: The Situation is All Tied Up

Hey there, Adventurers!

You’ve been wondering all week what we’ve had up our sleeves, and your patience has been rewarded. See? Good things DO come to those who wait. 😉

The next stop on our sexy, visual odyssey features kinks and knots. We’re going full rodeo here and you can be the cowgirl, reverse and all.

Now for the next step: What does this image say to you? Email us at adventuresfrom[at]gmaildotcom with your fancies – no matter how wild* – and we’ll publish them under the visual prompt “All Tied Up”. Extra points if you start a story thread in the comments too.

On a separate but absolutely related note, I hope my booty looks that good if I ever get roped into something like this. Because…Whew!


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