Film: ‘A Thousand Needles’ by Guest Contributor Nikitta

A Thousand Needles is a documentary that merges monologues, poetry, visual arts and a brutally honest script to explore the nuanced reality of living with women’s sexual and reproductive health issues. Following one character’s journey particularly through the lens of chronic pelvic pain, it shows how such issues impact the different facets of her life such as her relationships, career, mental health, identity and physical health among others.

With this film, we aim first to show the stark realities of the experience of women’s sexual and reproductive health issues. These health issues include uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome and others not specifically mentioned here. Secondly, we hope to not only create awareness but to create a space for conversation on women’s sexual and reproductive health, breaking barriers of stigma and shame in the process. By challenging the absence of conversation around women’s health, we are making visible those often invisible illnesses while pushing and advocating for solutions. We also hope to create the recognition of the need for more education, research and investment in women’s health.

Using #morethanperiodpain, we aim to show that women’s health issues must be taken seriously by breaking down the habit of chalking up all women’s health issues to period pain.

If you are interested in knowing more, you can check out our website Follow us on facebook on and on Instagram with #morethanperiodpain

We are also looking collect stories and quotes of women and anyone who is in some way affected by such issues (spouses, parents etc). You can send us a message with #morethanperiodpain

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