Let’s talk about love and sex at #PaGya

A flyer promoting Nana Darkoa's participation at PaGya
PaGya flyer details

I’m excited to share that I will be back at #PaGya this Saturday, 19th October at 7:50pm in conversation with one of my favs Timehin Adegbeye, winner of the Gerald Kraak prize, and all round fabulous writer. Timehin is a friend of Adventures, and has previously written for this platform so do check out some of her stories.

We will both be reading a selection of stories from published and unpublished work. Some of you know that I have been working on a non fiction book about the sex lives of African women. This project has been recently acquired by Dialogue Books, an imprint of Little Browns in the UK, and I am looking forward to sharing with you all a snippet of this work, and keen to hear your reactions.

For those of you who have been to events I’ve curated, you know that this will be interactive session so do come ready to engage, ask questions, and let’s have a good time. Check out the full schedule for #PaGya here.

See you Saturday?

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