Lee and Mira [A Watching My Neighbours Prequel]

A black woman wearing a white robe sitting in bed holding a cup of coffee in one hand and a cigarette in the other.
Photo credit: Cindy Leah

Written by @amsysecrets

Mira POV

The first time I saw the balcony, I knew I wanted Lee to fuck me on it. I could see it so clearly in my mind – everything she’d do to me on her knees, with her fingers, the experience heightened knowing someone might be watching us, loving it, wanting to be a part of it. So, when she asked me to spend the night with her at the apartment, I could hardly contain my excitement. It would be our first time spending an entire night together and I looked forward to all the ways we would explore each other’s bodies.

We had been together for the past six months, but I had known her for most of my life. I first met her when I was dating her older brother, and we became fast friends. She was only two years younger than me but she looked up to me and viewed me as an older sister and mentor of sorts. All through the years, she had reached out to me for advice on a range of life choices – from university decisions to how exactly to come out to her family – and I happily supported her through it all.

When she finished university and moved back home, we started spending more time together. Her brother and I had ended amicably and were good friends, so all three of us spent a lot of time hanging out at their house. We slowly started getting to know each other as the adults we both now were and realized we had a lot in common, which caused a subtle shift in our relationship. We eventually got into the habit of Friday night hangouts, debating all the beliefs and viewpoints we both held. Not to dissuade the other but to experience the joy we found in challenging each other.

One Friday night, after a particularly fun and heated hangout, she held my hand and was silent, almost contemplative, as she walked me out to my car. I didn’t think much of it; she was generally quite an affectionate person and could be introverted at moments. When we got to the car, I leaned in to hug her goodbye as usual, but she put her hands around my upper arms and stopped me. Before I could ask why, she looked at me with all sincerity in her eyes and confessed her feelings for me.

“Mira, since I came back from uni, we’ve been hanging out a lot, and it’s been amazing. However, at some point, something changed for me. I started really looking forward to Friday nights cos I knew I’d get to see you and hear about your week and see you laugh and get another chance to figure out how your mind works. I’d get to be in your beautiful presence. These Friday nights have become almost sacred to me. I’m falling for you, and I know it’s messy cos you dated my brother, and you and I are only starting to be proper friends now, but I want to try. I’m asking for a chance to experience us and how amazing we could be.”

At that moment, I looked at her, really looked at her and how earnest and vulnerable she was and something inside me shifted. I saw her for the woman she was now – beautiful, confident, and sexy as hell – and I realized that I wanted her. I had never given myself a chance to think about it, but I really wanted her. I wanted us.

I couldn’t answer her; I didn’t have the right words. So, instead, I chose to show her. I leaned in again to hug her, and this time, she met me halfway. I wound my hands around her neck as she wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me close, my body flush against hers. She bent her head to my neck, nuzzling me, inhaling my scent. That simple action had me settling even more into her arms. As soon as she felt my body yield, she hugged me tighter. After a few minutes of just holding each other, she pulled back slightly, giving me the space I needed to lean in and kiss her. I could tell that surprised her, but she recovered almost immediately, pulling me closer and kissing me back in earnest. It started out slowly, her lips firm and soft on mine, sucking on my lower lip, her teeth biting gently, playfully. As her hand moved from my waist to my neck, she angled my head and deepened the kiss, pushing her tongue gently into my mouth. I moaned softly as I opened up for her, and she moved her tongue over mine in smooth, luxurious motions. I pushed myself deeper into her arms, into our kiss. Few kisses had ever felt this right.


As Mira and I walked into the apartment on Friday night, I thought of all the things that had happened in the last six months. My brother was currently surprisingly supportive. He knew Mira had always been interested in girls but, in the beginning, it was uncomfortable for him that she’d want to try with me, his sister. It was weird, and he was pissed off at the both of us, but he eventually came around when he saw just how much we liked each other. Our friends had accepted us with nothing more than knowing glances at each other that looked suspiciously like they had spoken about this several times before and were waiting for us to realize just how much we liked each other for ourselves.

And so, here we were, six months later, about to spend our first entire night together. We’d got some takeout and a few joints and edibles to enhance the night. We served the food and sat in the cozy living room, catching up on our weeks’ happenings, music playing in the background. Once we finished eating, I lit up one of the joints, and we sat in comfortable silence as we smoked up. I felt a nice buzz coming on as Mira went to have a quick shower. I took the opportunity to clean up the dishes and set the mood on the balcony. I had specifically promised her that I’d be between her moonlit thighs tonight, and since few things in the world tasted as delicious as she did, it was a promise I was intent on keeping.

Mira walked into the living room, wearing a bathrobe tied loosely around her waist, giving me cheeky glimpses of her very obviously naked body with every step she took. She walked slowly toward me, and I could see she was riding a nice high. I couldn’t wait to feel her orgasm around my fingers on and on and on…weed always had that effect on her.

She stopped directly in front of me, tilted her head up, and waited expectantly for me to take the lead…she loved me in control…it also helped that taming her bratty side was extremely enjoyable. I held her gaze as I took the one step needed to close the gap between us. It brought our bodies mere inches apart and forced Mira to tilt her head up more to maintain eye contact. I stood with my hands behind my back, actively not touching her, staring down at her, patiently waiting for what I knew would come. After a few seconds of standing that close, Mira narrowed her eyes slightly.

“What are you doing, Lee?”

“I’m just taking in your beauty in this moment, baby. You look and smell very tasty.”

She blushed sweetly at that, a wide smile across her face.

“I am also giving you the opportunity to decide if you’re going to be bratty or if you’re going to be a good girl and do everything I say. Because baby, tonight, I really, really want you to be a good girl for me. Can you do that?”

I could see her struggling with that, the emotions playing out across her face. In the times we had fucked before, I had rarely asked her to be a good girl for me. But when I had, she had experienced some of her most powerful orgasms because we focused entirely on her. However, she knew how powerfully taming her affected my own orgasms, which was why she was currently struggling with my request.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, baby. I’m sure. I’ve thought of all the ways I’m going to fuck you on this balcony, and I need you to be a good girl for me so I can show you just how many times I can make you cum out there. So, again, will you be a good girl for me, Mira? Will you let me fuck you until I’m truly done fucking you?”

“Yes, please.”

That’s all I needed to hear. I grabbed her waist and pulled her against me, kissing her. She returned the kiss, opening her mouth to let my tongue in, pushing herself against my body, melting in my arms. I pushed my hands into her robe, cupping her ass and pulling her even closer to me as I pushed my leg between her thighs. She opened her legs, and I could feel the warmth and wetness of her pussy soak through my shorts.

She started grinding on me, rubbing her pussy slowly against my thigh, each moment of friction eliciting a small moan from her that echoed through my mouth as she deepened our kiss. The longer she rubbed herself against me, the wetter she became, and the faster she started moving as her orgasm built up inside her. But I didn’t want her coming just yet.

“Baby, not yet. I want you cuming on my terms.”

I pushed down on her ass to still her movements without completely depriving her of pleasure, as her pussy was still pressed firmly against my thigh. She opened her eyes and looked up at me, pleading, as she tried to wiggle her lower body to reach her orgasm. I pressed down on her ass more firmly, my fingers digging into the soft flesh of her ass cheeks. She gasped in pleasure. I rolled my eyes.

“Mira, you’re not being a very good girl now, are you?”

“I’m trying, baby. I just…you just make me so wet, and I want you so badly.”

I let go of her ass, removed my hands from inside her robe, put them on her shoulders, and pushed her away gently, withdrawing my leg from between hers. I bent to her eye level as I cupped her face.

“Then let me give you what you want. Do you trust me to fuck you properly?”

She nodded.

I took her hand in mine and led her to the balcony. I had laid out a fluffy throw blanket on the couch and some large pillows on the floor. The small candles scented the night breeze and added to the moonlight shining on us from above. The moon was in its early phases and cast just enough light to see by without seriously compromising our privacy. The setup was beautiful and cozy and had Mira halting in her steps, smiling up at me with joy and eagerness.

“Thank you for making this so beautiful, Lee.”

I smiled at her and kissed her gently on her cheek as I gave her a little directional push to the balcony.

“Untie your robe and go lean on the railing facing me. I want to see your naked body in the moonlight.”

She stepped onto the balcony and walked slowly to the railing, untying her robe as she went along. The ends of the sash trailed behind her as the robe fell open. She was still facing the railing and, therefore, away from me, and I could only imagine the show some lucky neighbor was getting. The thought of someone watching her, watching us as we fucked, touching themselves, and coming as we came, had my pussy pulsing in excitement and anticipation.

Mira reached the balcony railing and turned around, finally facing me. Her body, bathed in the moonlight, was as beautiful as I had imagined. Her nipples already hardened from the exposure and arousal, the wetness of her pussy glistening on her inner thighs. I couldn’t wait to taste her.

As I walked toward her, she parted her legs slightly but kept her hands at her sides. She was being such a good girl because I knew just how much she wanted to touch herself. I could see it in the way her fingers were lightly clenched at her sides, in her shallow breathing, in the way her thighs trembled slightly with her right foot balancing on her toes, poised to go around my neck as soon as I was on my knees in front of her. I knew her first orgasm would be quick, so I had to make sure it was the most powerful she would have of the night.

As soon as I was in front of her, I leaned down to kiss her. The kiss was slow, matching the pace of my hands as I moved them down her neck, cupped her boobs, teased her hardened nipples, circled her waist, and squeezed lightly as I held them there.

“Open your legs wider.”

Mira quickly obliged. I broke the kiss and maintained eye contact with her as I moved my fingers down to her pussy. I slid my fingers between her inner and outer lips, just grazing her clit as I moved lower and pressed four fingers to the entrance of her pussy. Her breath hitched, and her pupils dilated with pleasure as I slowly pushed two fingers inside her and withdrew them almost immediately, moving to use four fingers to stroke and apply pressure right at the entrance of her pussy. Each time my fingers pushed inside her, her walls contracted around me, and when I stroked her entrance, her wetness dripped down my fingers. Over and over, I slowly fucked and teased her until she was digging her nails into my back, riding my fingers, so close to cuming.

“Baby, right there. Don’t stop. I’m so close…”

I pulled my fingers out from inside her, but before she could voice her surprise or disappointment, I sank to my knees, wrapped her thighs around my neck, and pushed my tongue deep into her pussy, tasting her, fucking her over and over, my thumb grazing her clit, teasing her. I felt her build up again, much quicker this time.

“Baby, please, please don’t stop. Please let me come…”

I couldn’t deny her. I pushed my tongue deep inside her, curling it up and down to touch her spot. I moved my thumb in deliberate strokes over her clit, no longer teasing, actively giving her pleasure. I moved my other hand to her ass and pushed down slowly on her asshole, which was already so lubricated by her dripping wetness. As her body opened itself up to me, I started to push in and out of her ass in time with my tongue in her pussy and my other thumb on her clit.

“Oh God, that’s it. Baby, that’s it, please don’t stop, please…please…”

Her moans filled the air as her orgasm built higher and higher, getting louder the closer she got until finally she was screaming my name into the night sky, her head thrown back in passion, digging her nails into my shoulders and back as orgasm after orgasm ran through her body. As I continued to lick and touch so deep inside her, I could feel my own orgasm building the more pleasure I gave to her. When I felt her squirt deliciously into my mouth, that was the catalyst for my own orgasm and I was right there with her, moaning into her pussy as I came over and over again.

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