Lust Visits her Lovers

Beneath my midnight’s sultry shroud,
Two figures meld, where whispers and gasps are loud.
Lips collide in sticky and sinful delight,
A clandestine waltz to a pulsatin’ plight.

Fingers map out constellations on dark skin divine,
Traversing realms of ecstasy and always, always entwined.
In the quiet stillness, our breaths merge to one,
Your tender caress, where my moan began.

Silken curves bathed in the silvery, seductive gleam,
A secret harbour, our unspoken dream.
Murmurs of passion unspoken yet felt,
In every touch, our desire is knelt.

Eyes locked in a fiery gaze intense,
In this coveted realm of lustful suspense.
The loudest lust, the quietest love,
Both unvoiced yet known from above. 
Two hearts adrift find solace at last,

In each embrace, of their outstretched arms. 
With every drop, passion finds its place,
Never further than what is embraced.
Mapping out a love meant solely for us to hold, 
Find silent corners where our desires can unfold.

Limbs akimbo, owners unknown,
Find soon the rising sun foretold, 
And so,
our nakedness found suddenly exposed,
Last night’s passionate truths we seek not to disclose, 
So as the night begins to die,
So our lust too must bid us farewell, goodbye.

Amara’s Decision


Uncomplicatedly Complicated

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