I don’t know where she came from – this fervid vixen, both woman and boy – but I’m glad I’m in her world and she in mine. There’s only one way to describe her. She’s an …
Author: Malaka
I don’t have a particularly fat ass and my tits are small. I don’t fill out a bathing suit without the aid of padding. On a good day, I might be able to fill out a …
I looked around the kitchen and surveyed my handiwork. The onions were finely minced. The pepper ground into a smooth, ochre paste. The flowers on the dining room table had plenty of water in that expensive …
Hey there, Adventurers! You’ve been wondering all week what we’ve had up our sleeves, and your patience has been rewarded. See? Good things DO come to those who wait. 😉 The next stop on our sexy, …
What makes you a woman? What circumstances need to exist in your life to feel as though you’ve earned the title and trappings of womanhood? I ask because there has been a longtime conversation raging in …
“You do know you’re going to have to give up that anal one day.” This question was presented more as a statement of fact, rather than a query posed in earnest. The woman to whom the …
“You are a pastor’s wife. How do you reconcile that with the sort of material you blog about?” It might amaze you frequently I am asked this question; or then again, it probably does not. The …
The sun had just come up, its rays filtering through the latticework of our bedroom window, settling on the face of the man I’ve been married to for eleven years now. I watched him through eyes …
I have very excitable children; four of them. And last night, after watching Hair Spray for the fifth time, my very excitable son dashed towards the kitchen when “dinner!” was yelled. Unfortunately, he didn’t make it …
Ever since I moved back to the Continent (I live in the Western Cape of South South Africa), I’ve found myself spending more time indulging in one of my favorite pastimes: People watching. There is a …