“I can’t marry you.” Those were the words that kept ringing in my head ever since he said them to me. My relationship of 3 years ended months ago and while everyone is talking about how …
Author: Guest
Whenever my mother’s voice ricochets, I suddenly think of the first night I slept with a man. I think of the moments before he poured his sorrow in me – the ecstasy, the minute euphoria of …
Am I afraid to have children? Yes, definitely. Not because of the usual “having people depend on me” type of reason, but the ones along the lines of “if they have a spec of the mischief …
Here’s the thing: polar hierarchies in sex don’t interest me. At all. I find nothing remotely desirable about being dominated or dominating someone else, mimicking rape or coercion, being hit or whipped. It’s not because I …
I’ve never been the outgoing type since the incident at college but this girl had me considering otherwise. She picked out one club on 3rd street downtown “The Twist”. Every Friday she’d pick me up from …
I agreed to go spend the Christmas holiday at my boyfriend’s family house because I spoke with his mum and she called me daughter-in-law. Over the phone, my boyfriend told me, ” Babe, you know, my …
The Sex Lives of African Women by Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah is a bold, exceptional and well-curated book about…wait for it…the sex lives of African women within and outside the continent. I say bold because we do …
I grew up in a devout Christian family with strong cultural backgrounds as well. My mother and aunts always lectured me about what a good woman should and should not do. It was about how I …
If you’ve heard of polycystic-ovarian syndrome (PCOS), you’ve probably heard the statistic that goes with it: “1 in 10 women of child-bearing age are affected with PCOS.” It’s the first result that comes up in Google …
Hi Marge, feeling good today? Yes, I am. Wassup? Well, I was thinking of coming by and eating your pussy if you’re game. If I am game? If? Bitch yes. 8 pm. Thanks. The shortest most …