Sex outside the bedroom

Over dinner and drinks with my girlfriends yesterday the subject turned to men and sex. In terms of our sexual “tastes” the menu was diverse. There was of course:

  1. The “sex and sexuality blogger“, yours truly
  2. The ” I’ve got to have it two times a day“, at least and “Oh, I have whole body orgasms
  3. The ” I really can’t be bothered about sex
  4. The “I love to play” and I’m heading to the sex shop soon with my current playmate for some toys
  5. The “I love sex but not having any” since my relationship ended

What are your sexual tastes? One of my girlfriend’s gave us a good laugh when she told us about having sex in a car on the Sphintex road (now for all my international readers, Sphintex is probably one of the busiest and most congested roads in Accra). We were all just thinking “You are so lucky that you did not get caught by the police“. Has anybody been caught having sex in public by the law or anyone else?

That got me thinking, outside the bedroom where have you had your most risque sexual encounters? As usual I shall start with myself.

  • On the veranda of the Busua Beach Resort
  • In a car parked in the driveway of my home
  • In a car parked in the yard of my lover’s house (I notice there’s a car theme emerging here), I obviously need to become more adventurous

Do add your own list to the comments field.

Nana Darkoa

14 comments On Sex outside the bedroom

  • hmm lets see.
    1.In a car inside a public park while police drove around!
    2.In a car at a public parking lot
    3.Behind a pillar at a shopping mall
    4.At the movies
    5.In my front garden (I lived in a condo) in the early hours.

    Ah to be young and foolish again!

  • I did it besides the former Ghana Airways headquarters… at a Golf Course in Takoradi and in the swimming pool at North Ridge Hotel…

    OFF-TOPIC – I want to contribute as a guest blogger. I am a guy. What do I do?

  • Anon 1: You are hard oooo – with the po po driving around? You deserve a price

    Anon 2: I am speechless. I am realising how “vanilla” I am.

    In terms of a guest blog please put your email in the comments field. I shall send you an email and we can communicate. I will also delete the comment once I have noted your email so no need to worry about the whole world stalking you 🙂

  • Eii these people are showing me level.

    1. Balcony of a hotel in california (queue the Eagles song if you must)
    2. My car outside in various places (East Legon, Legon campus.. all with the same boyfriend.. lol)
    3. Legon student dorm balcony(same guy from 2..but this was particularly saucy since he had a roommate who didn’t know we were a couple and could come in at anytime to a locked door and ask questions)

    methinks i’ll have to increase my “outside” experience. Cos beach and pool paa dierr..

  • In the car at the park

    In the car in an open field

    In the car outside a club in NYC. That wasn’t too smart because people going in and out of the club saw us and knew what was going on.

    In the park on a picnic bench at night. Thank God we got done just before the cops showed up. I could tell we had visitors when I saw the high beam from the lights from far away. For the first few seconds, I thought it was the orgasm that was so intense that I was seeing lights. It was a hilly area and so we had our clothes back on by the time they got to where we were.

    In the fitting room at Macy’s. Standing up, doggy style, the whole nine. Sorry, we left a wet spot on the carpet.

    At home in the living room, with my Mom in the kitchen. Come on, Mom. I’m grown.

  • So do any of these impromptu sex sessions involve condoms? Is everyone on the pill and unafraid of catching STD’s?

  • Brown Angel – Hmm, you are not the only one they are showing levels to…I see you have a Legon theme running through …lol

    Me – I think I shall have to award you the first prize:)

    Shane – valid question. What’s the response guys?

  • “Only sailors use condoms”
    -Austin Powers

    But in all seriousness, if you’re not in a committed relationship with a partner whose STD status is in question and you’re not on the pill, please do use a condom. Herpes is a gift that keeps on giving…for LIFE.

  • Condoms.. Condoms.. condoms.. Abena captured it perfectly. Personally I can’t be bothered with the pill even in a committed relationship so condoms it is.

    p.s. LOL @ “me” mistaking the blinding lights for the holy grail of all orgasms lol

  • Just FYI… and I know I’m very late…

    But Herpes can be transmitted even if you do wear a condom. It’s skin to skin contact, not fluids.

    Even still, I do agree that condoms are necessary…even in a committed relationship (I don’t use the pill).

    BTW, I just fell upon this! Very interesting blog!

  • Lovelylind you are not late at all – thanks for the tip about herpes and your compliments on the blog. Stay tuned…

  • On the varendah at his home during 'light-off' with his family inside.
    Wonder what would have happened if ECG decieded to be efficient that night.

  • @Fuckerfly – Thank goodness for the inefficiencies of ECG…at least on occasions such as this

  • dis wud b a luvly,luvly tinnnnn. i swear.i cnt wyt 2 xperience it

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