Have a Sexy, Merry Christmas!

So, does anyone have any sexy stories to share involving Christmas, Santa Claus or anything remotely yuletide?


ATS: The Cruelty of the Fates

Waist Beads: Sexy or what?

6 comments On Have a Sexy, Merry Christmas!

  • got a question, not a story: would you kiss a stranger/relatively new acquaintance if u happened to be under the mistletoe together, or for new year’s at midnight?

  • My friend shared a parable of X’mas sex that read like something out of Boccaccio. He is, to put it mildly, socially active and has an eye for the ladies.

    This Christmas had as its centerpiece a visit from a lady friend from “Outside,” as we sometimes put it around here. My friend and this paragon of pulchritude had a history together, sometimes shot through with misunderstanding, but always good when it really counted.

    The days before her arrival saw my friend purge his social calendar of any conflicts; his emails, IMs and conversations with milady were shot through with banter that he hope would translate well into another form of discourse, to wit, intercourse.

    Well, she shows up on cue, they’ve “broken up” previously, but this energy is gooood, presents, coochie coos, banter and riposte, cut and thrust, thrust and cut. All very good.

    But, she says, I’m seeing someone in “Outside,” and I really do like him.

    Ugghhh, he says, so rations cut off?

    Rations cut off, and cupboard bare for you, mi lovely hearty!


    Not a merry X’mas, the froideur he showed to the other possibles to ease the holiday separation now seems to be working strongly against him. My friend now walks around with the intra-ocular pressure that bespeaks a loading up of undischarged sexual humours.

    The morale of the story: A bird from the Outside is almost never worth two from the Inside.

  • @ Shane – If I fancied said stranger/new acquaintance, (and hadn’t caught a whiff of bad breath) why not?

    @ Kofi – Hmmm, these people from the “Outside” can really cause problems…I have another story relating to a guy from the outside that I want to share

  • @Nana D. – Yeah, Nana, I am sure my friend will like to compare notes with you on this one. Hope you closed out ’09 in style!

  • @ Shane – For me…No
    @Kofi – ROTFLMAO…wish I had read this on over the holidays

  • NanaT: again another example of best-laid plans of mice and men not always resulting in cheese or timely readership, but glad that piece retained some hilarity even after the holidays had passed. But, I implore you ROTFL would be enough, I think we have to preserve all the asses we can. Ne c’est pas?

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