In a perfect universe in my sexual future I would…


Be relaxed

My body languid

My mind at ease

Be free

Free to be with my lover

Whomever that may be

Free to express my desire

Whatever that may be

Free to say…


Do that again

I like that

Free to say…


I want you to go down on me

Touch me all over

Kiss my neck

Free to say…

I’ve met someone else

My feelings have changed

What do we do now?

My future sexual self is always desired

Never objectified

Always wanted

Never kept at a distance

Always loved

Never pitied

My future sexual self is powerful





What would your sexual self be like in a perfect universe?

7 comments On In a perfect universe in my sexual future I would…

  • I’d be the commander in chief of the armed sexual forces! Total control! No inhibitions, whatsoever! This poem was just bomb.

  • i would try suicidal positions…maybe hang upside down like a bat……well if it does not work at least i know i tried…

  • I like this poem, tell you. In my universe right now, there might be more women than men. The freedom to experiment and no guilt.

    Actually, it would be one big orgy, no diseases, pregnancy or condoms. And absolute trust.

  • Akosua is my kind of girl. I might have a concussion but at least I tried! Lol!

  • There would be no need for fear.

    In my perfect world I would tell you to lick my ass and if you chose not to my next words would be, “take your shit and go”.

    Make love to/fuck anything moving that struck my fancy, without apology.

    I’d always have to replenish my stock of comdoms. Then again, there’d be no need to ever again taste latex if my sexual world was as perfect as I’m creatin it.

    I’d finally take a knife to the good girl voices in my head.

    Be healed of self-inflicted wounds or those acquired from prior partners.

    Above all else LOVE myself to the HILT!!

  • @Nnenna Marcia – Ah, if only we could get rid of all stds and unwanted pregnancies sans all the procedures we have to go through now…

    @ Jamez – You’ve reminded me of a recent Skype convo I had with a friend about anallingus. I started to edit the convo to share here, and realised that I would be outing too many people so had to stop 🙂 Care to share your thoughts on the subject in a guest post? And please start murdering those good girl voices already 😛

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