Guest Contributor Kwame: A Sexy Journalist in Tamale

Anisa, beautiful, average height, fashionable lady, about 24; She’d barged in on us at the temporary work place, somewhere in the middle of Tamale; a small room with 2 occupied desks and 4 work stations, while we were busy collecting data.

She called out on one of my colleagues and while they had a subtle convo I eavesdropped keenly. The tag on her neck signified that she was a journalist. My eyes seemed to have wandered too long, from where the tag rested in the fair crevice of her bounty breasts thoroughly scanning her physique quickly, her nipples poked out of her bra, her jeans firmly clad to her thighs looked as if she wore no panties. “Is that your boss?” She asked. I quickly tilted my head 90 degrees in the opposite direction, feigning ignorance of the query. “Yes” Frank replied. I nodded in her direction. “Hello I’m Kwame”. She replied in a formal tone “Ok, I’m Anisa from the Ghana News Agency.” Picking on her words one by one, my eyes gazed at her lips, soft full DSLs – dick sucking lips. Gosh! I felt blood rush quickly to the tip of my dick and ricochet off my testicles, I cringed midway during the handshake and squeezed her palm a bit, she smiled. “Please I’d wanted some info to aid me put up an article about this project”. “Nuh *coughs sharply*, excuse me.” I led her by hand to the corridor and explained how the project was a national assignment and that due to the impending political scene in the country, “I cannot offer enough info for even an Aki and Popor dick sized article”. She giggled and asked for my card which I gave without thinking. She left with a gait that showed her protruding butt, so mean, as if ready to tear off the material.

At lunch I heard my phone ring and picked it up “Hello””Yeh this is Anisa, could you please meet me on the second floor? It’s the first room to the left by the staircase.” I picked myself up promptly from behind the fanti kenkey and fante fante stew I was eating, washed my hands and threw a tomtom toffee into my mouth. Frank asked what the problem was; “Errmm my tummy.” I burped. I appeared at the door in no time and tapped gently on the wawa frame. “Come in,” I entered halfway licking my lips and fixing my tie well. What I saw in front of me partly got me shuddering and partly aroused. On her office table in the middle of the room she perched, very naked except for her red thong and 2 waist beads showing off her hips as she’d crossed her legs and covered her C cup breasts bulging out the sides of her upper arm. She smiled coyly, blinking in a fast flirty manner making my heart nearly palpitate. I turned to the door and quickly turned the key clockwise. Locking it in just one click, and with superman’s agility, I was on top of her whispering into her ear. “Are you sure about this?” No words. She nodded biting at my ear and at the same time rubbing at my half-hard dick through my brown khaki. One Kwabena Kwabena track played in the background but I was too busy to check where the music was coming from, slowly smoothly I reached for her lips and sealed it with mine, and sucked at her bottom lip like strawberry fruit flesh; nibbling with my tongue at the same time. She gasped, “Ooh”. I squeezed at her breasts and felt her shudder as ripples of sweet tingling sensations run through our bodies. I parted her legs at the knees as she unzipped me and took out my member, her hands travelled along the length and she stopped kissing, looked me in the eyes and grinned; “You’re the size I crave for.” I didn’t say a word. I slid off her thong with just two fingers and squatted slightly to gain access to her throbbing lower lips, dipped my tongue inside her wet ripe pussy, writing arabic language I’ve never known as she moaned in tongues, I circled  the labia like a lost car 3 times teasing around the roundabout of her clit, making a few U-turns in her deepness and returning to flick my tongue in a windscreen wiper motion on her clit gently knowing her pulsating pussy (police) needed my rock hard dick (bribe) that particular instance. I flinched, she dug her fingers into my hair and moaned the hardest as i parted her pussy well with my stretched out fingers from under her soft butt. I flicked the tomtom from under my tongue and placed it on her clitoris licking round and round and round. She let out sounds that urged me on and got me so hard I felt my dick throb in a pendulum motion from between my thighs. I heard her saying something like “I’m gonna cum” or “I’m on the run”. Well, the former made sense in a few seconds when her hips wriggled in a vibrating motion and she held my head so hard grinding against my wide open mouth, her fluid flowed into my mouth as I held on her nipples, rubbing playfully. I got up and she put a condom so fast on my dick. I realized she knew what she was about. We both smiled as I adjusted the condom and entered her slowly, winding my waist, an inch at a time till I was fully set against her cervix.

She pounded against me, her waist like a machine with fresh energizer batteries, hugging against me tightly at the same time, my tongue found its way into her left earlobe roaming through all the contours. She moaned as she came once again, then a second time, I felt her near a 3rd orgasm, I was so in the moment, then she harshly pushed me off. “Oh why? Sup?”. She showed that glowing smile of mischief and asked me again, “Could you gimme news on the job?”

I chuckled “So blackmail?” She held my waist and pushed me into her sharply and grimaced “Nuh, pussymail”. I nearly teared-up as I felt sweet sensations ride from my dick through my abdomen and into the tip of my toes. I nearly came after 10 more strokes. She pushed me out again and asked the same question. I felt disappointed spermatozoa rush back in the opposite direction towards my testicles, quite painful. I gulped down saliva. She got up and pushed me on the office chair near the table and sat on top of me, her arched back facing me, her left leg propped on the desk, I let out a groan when she rode me fiercely like an enraged horse rider, her beads clapped against my lower ribs, she kept asking; “Then what? Then what else?” I held tightly as she rode me, got off my dick, teased; “Tell me.” She pushed me back into her again teasing with slow winds, bending herself head downwards so her hair nearly touched the floor while bumping at my waist. “Oh God!” I heard myself whisper as I couldn’t hold back any longer bursting into a thousand ripples, feeling my cum flood my dick still wrapped in the condom.

I lifted her off with the little energy left, stapled the filled condom in an envelope I picked from the desk and dressed up quickly. Reaching for the door I heard her sob “I thought you’d wanted us to talk?” I replied curtly “Yes, I’ll call you” lying between the teeth. I rushed out, banging the door behind me. I thought to myself, aside the fact that I can’t let out secret government info, this is somewhat the best sex I’ve had in years, but I gotta let her go?

I shook my head and smiled.

18 comments On Guest Contributor Kwame: A Sexy Journalist in Tamale

  • Damn, that’s one hard working journo…

  • @ Kwame: eiii Ewurade, so all these things were happening in Ghana how come my life was so boring! Between you, Korkor, Naa Adjeley and VV, you’re going to make me look at all those around me suspiciously next time I come home. I mean everyone acts like they don’t have sex. But maybe I shouldn’t be complaining ’cause my friends and colleagues would have a heart attack if they knew I’m the one who’s been writing all these things here. hmm, anyway I agree with Nana D, I think she worked hard so you must have at least given her something…

  • @kwame – i swear that girl does pilates waaaaattttt. Acrobatics paaa . And all u did after all that plenty effort was smile and shake ur head. Hot charley

  • I am always fascinated by the way men write porn. Most times I REALLY hate it; it’s too raw, like a flesh wound. Some women do this too and it makes my skin crawl and not in a good way.

    This one I REALLY, REALLY liked because – and I don’t know if this was intentional or not – the protagonist was more than just his dick. And he wasn’t using it in that distinctly rapey way that a lot of porn geared towards men seems to favour. It was beautiful and hot and made me want a shag on an office table.

    Thank you very much. I hope we get more from you. And I’d love to keep in touch with you because I try to get into what men think/feel when they are fucking and I often get nowhere. A lot of men I talk to are either shy because they know me, untruthful because they want to shag me (and say things I want to hear. As if) or incapable of expressing themselves in any grain of original thought – preferring that porn mindset I loathe.

    I hope my tori is not too much. In a nutshell, WELL DONE!

  • “her waist like a machine with fresh energizer batteries”

  • @nana hardworking and tricky lol. Thanks for the post

    @ekuba lol, there was mutual satisfaction so that was something for her hardwork Hahahah

    @korkor it was spur of the moment. Yes she was mindblowingly good

    @nnenna thank you for the apt review ;). Some of us are not shy about how good sex makes us feel :-). I’ll keep it coming, as and when i get ‘lucky’ of course

    @purpletussle that waist was unforgettable mehn 🙂

  • Sounds like something more out of spycraft than from the workings of the GNA (which now seems to have been renamed Ghana Nookie Agency)….

    Like Nnenna, my bias against male-centric erotic writing nearly kept me from reading this.. It still sounds like a male fantasy, but it was enjoyable to read.

    Ekuba, it’s not just you, ooo, it doesn’t happen to me either.. but then I’m quite clueless in these matters.

  • @Kofi … I share your view. Nice read, but felt more like a rendition of fantasy than reality. Especially the kenkey and Fante Fante bit. Definitely not in Tamale. TZ and bra soup with guinea fowls would have been more realistic. But good story anyway.

  • lol @ Kofi A, @ least your case is better than mine o! I haven’t hooked up with anyone since I left my on again-off again boyfriend home in Ghana like 6 months ago to go to school. And yet my classmates have been sleeping with each other since we got here. hmmm… I really enjoyed the story though, I wish more men would share their stories here- maybe you’ll be next?

    • @Ekuba,Kofi, Nnenna and Roots – Leaving my lovely beach holiday for a few minutes just to say I did ask the writer if it was a true story and he said it was, and I believe him 🙂 We all know truth is stranger than fiction abi? And yes I would love to read Kofi’s story…but I do not wish more men would share their stories here 🙂 I am more than happy to support a progressive man to start ‘Adventures from the bedrooms of African men’ though…

  • Nobody said the stories had to be TRUE did they?

    Ekuba I second your motion. Kofi, oya over to you. Where are your erotic stories eh? (BTW, I did mean ‘Write erotica’ not ‘Write porn’ in my comments above. Sorry Kwame.)

    Yes, so Kofi?

    Chanting: Kofi! Kofi! Kofi! Kofi! KOFI!

  • Ooh. We’ve been told girls! LOL

    Sorry aunty. 🙂

  • @ Nana D: so you’ve been chilling on a beach all this while? hmmm….

  • @Nnenna and Ekuba: The reason why I read Adventures is that this is where I get my thrills… 🙂 I have nothing in my history that remotely compares to the offerings here.. Ultimately, those who do, do, and write about it; those who don’t, read.

  • @ Kofi A: I don’t believe you wai. I am convinced that one day very soon, the details of your extremely exciting sex life will be revealed. Until that day, I’m just going to remain quiet…

  • @ Kofi A: Haha..Ghana Nookie whaaat? A nooky agency sounds like a hidden bureau for those specialized in the “act” and I’m sure Anisa would make it to the top 3 on that board. Anyways I’m happy you enjoyed the read, though like Ekuba, Nnenna and Nana i wouldn’t mind reading your stuff too..whether it matches up to our separate exploits or not, reading from a guy’s perspective gives the ladies a different view of “things”. True or false ladies?

    @Roots4Life: They banned eating of fante fante in Tamale? Oh my lol (read my last lines for the true story behind the true story)

    @ Ekuba: Sorry your classmates are doing all the “narrowing”. I’ll keep the stories coming wai

    @ Nnenna: Thanks for the read love

    @ Nana:Thanks for this platform again. I’m having so much fun just reading these lovely comments and putting down notes. Actually there exists a certain bias as Kofi mentioned towards “male-centric” erotica but I believe there’s always a way to keep the reader satisfied and I believe if we guys are blessed with our section it’ll be awesome.

    Actually, modern days have found readers more easily inclined to reality rather than fictional details (it depends though). With reference to this story I must admit that it’s a very true one just that..*coughs* I tampered with the setting(location) for security reasons of somewhat nature. Roots4Life and others who found a loop-hole or two, there’s this term in twi…mo y3 mp3ns3nmu paaa!! hehehe

  • Well, it confirms one thing. Sex thrust unto a man without him working for it may have not much value, but when he is made to work for it, he tends to want to keep it. Or?

  • Root4life, in my 20s I wouldn’t have questioned the bounteous booty she laid forth… and I wouldn’t have necessarily given it up because it was so generously offered.

    A couple of decades hence, I would be more likely to assume that such a person was slightly nuts, had poor impulse control, etc. I probably would turn down the offering.

    Would I?

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