Happy New Year Fellow Adventurers

In a few hours it will be 2013, and a few weeks into 2013 it will be 4 years since Malaka and I started this blog. 4 years ago in my introductory post I shared what had motivated me to start this blog. Its been an amazing 4 years and I have learnt a lot from writing and curating this site. I have met some fabulous people, been impressed with the quality of writing from our numerous guest contributors, been shocked, amused, turned on, by what we get up to inside and outside our bedrooms, and enjoyed the great community that exists on this site.

I am especially grateful to my #BFFFL and co-blogger Malaka for starting this blog with me. It’s not easy to be an Osofo Maame, ‘respectable’ wife and Mother of 4 whilst being associated with this blog.

Beyond grateful to the numerous people who have emailed me their deeply personal stories.

Truly appreciative to ALL the guest contributors, too numerous to mention by name…you know who you are 🙂

And to the wonderful community of readers who comment, send links to your friends, and *shock horror* sometimes share our links on social media, I say thank you, keep reading, keep commenting, and keep sharing Adventures with the world.

Happy New Year All. Here’s to a 2013 filled with good health, prosperity and off course AMAZING SEX.

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