‘Adventures’ presents ‘Surviving Sexual Abuse’

We’re having our very first ‘Adventures’ event as part of Accra[dot]Alt’s Talk Party series this Friday, 29th March at the Passions Cafe in Osu, Accra. A couple of writer friends and poets who may or may not have contributed to Adventures – Kuukua Dzigbordi Yomekpe, Nana Nyarko Boateng, Famia Nkansa and Nana Akosua Hanson have agreed to join me for a series of readings, performances and conversation about ‘Surviving Sexual Abuse’. This will include selected readings from Adventures (I have asked the writers/poets to have a scan through the site and pick a story that resonates with them), or could be a personal story about surviving sexual abuse.

We would love to have you join us at the event. See PDF flyer below for more details.

tp march 2013


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