The Sexy Parts of The Justice, a book written by Boakyewaa Glover

Photo Credit: Siphumeze Khundayi

Allow me to brag. I have some seriously talented family members. Please step forward Boakyewaa Glover, the author of Circles, Tendai and now The Justice. Those who have read every single post on this blog might remember that a few years ago Boakyewaa and I did a blog off after the launch of Circles. When I finished reading her book I gave it to my sister to read, and then she gave it to her friend, who passed it to another friend, who gave it to her brother (*ahem Kobina Graham), and I haven’t seen my copy of Circles since then. That’s how good the book is (grab your own copy, don’t be like my sister and her friends). So I had kind of assumed that Boakyewaa would continue to write stories like those in Circles – a coming of age story, convoluted romances, friendships – and then she completely blew me out of the window by writing a political thriller. Yes! I love it when a writer switches on you, but you know me, I had to ask her if there were any good scenes in The Justice and fortunately there is. Here is a snippet for your reading pleasure…


And then he was inside of her, all eight inches of him. Yes, she loved Reyn for his gentleness, determination, and sense of humor, but his long, thick, circumcised manhood was the icing on the cake. She groaned as he cupped her ass, burying himself deeper into her. She lifted her legs and bent them at the knee, giving him greater access and holding him in place.

Reyn buried his face against her neck, smelling her, kissing her, nibbling on her neck. She smelled like citrus from her favorite Dove shower gel. A shaky groan escaped him as she arched her pelvis upward to meet his thrusts. He could feel her thighs shaking, so he clenched his teeth and closed his eyes, forcing himself to stay in control. He was going to explode any minute, but he needed to wait for her. She was so wet and she felt so good, he knew he couldn’t hold his release off much longer. And then he felt her lose control as her wet lips clenched his hardness repeatedly and her nails dug into his back. He dug deeper and harder, and she screamed out in pleasure. As soon he felt her body relax beneath him, he let go, all of it.

Was that hot enough for you?

The launch of The Justice takes place this Saturday from 1pm-3pm at the Silverbird Lounge, Accra Mall followed by book signings from 3pm-7pm at the Silverbird store at the same venue.

I might be doing a reading (not necessarily of this piece) on the day so come hang out, meet my talented cousin Boakyewaa Glover, and chill with all of Accra’s literary minded folks.

See you? (and don’t be scared to come over and say hello when you do)

The Justice


Boakyewaa Glover
Boakyewaa Glover


12 comments On The Sexy Parts of The Justice, a book written by Boakyewaa Glover

  • Ahem! This is why African writers don’t make any money. Abeg o, make una BUY book. No dey borrow all this borrow-borrow. One book, ten people ah-ahn! Wetin una want make we chop? 🙂


  • Am glad Boakyewaa is still writing but why has she neglected her blog? And what happened to serialising circles on TV. She introduced me to this blog once when she mentioned it on her now defunct blog.

  • Where can I buy this boy?

  • @Koo, my apologies for abandoning the blog. Blogging is very, very hard and time consuming and I started a job two years ago which was hectic. I was literally working 12-14 hours a day, including weekends. I just couldn’t blog at all. And then I started working on the novel which I wrote between 10pm and 2am. Just couldn’t find time to sleep how much more write one blog a week. Now that the book is done – I’m thinking of getting back to it, although my full-time job is still time consuming.
    Also, the TV show, I signed a contract with ETV but somewhere along the line funds dwindled. I haven’t given up on it yet though. We’ll see how it goes. I hope you’ll get The Justice – it’s a good book, really. And if you’re in Accra, stop by the mall on Saturday okay.

  • @Nnenna, hmm, people don’t know the difference between library books and books for sale :-). @Nana, I actually ran into K. Graham y’day and he confessed that he had your copy of Circles. I didn’t even ask, he just confessed. He says he’ll get his own copy of The Justice this weekend. @cosmicyoruba, the book will be available at the Silverbird bookstore on Saturday – I’ll be doing a signing there as well. And then after that, it’ll be available at Sytris, EPP, Kingdom and others. You should get a copy – it’s good!

  • Nice One!! How Much? Will surely buy one on Sunday

  • I’m definitely stopping by the mall on Saturday… Good Job!! Go Gey Hey…lol

  • Boakyewaa introduced me to this blog too.i loved your blog @Boakyewaa Glover.

    I occasional go there to check if you’ve returned to it. ????

    I admire you a lot. I saw u at a company in Akyem(which had contracted the services of the company I work for) I was soo happy n tried several times to approach u but I couldn’t gather the courage to. Besides, u looked very busy.

    I told everyone who cared to listen that u had a blog. And u are a very good writer. Lol!

    1st time commenting

  • I like what our young African writers are doing. Very hot piece indeed! When will online payment options become easily available to the ordinary Ghanaian? I want the ebook.

    PS – “It’s Reyn time, baby!” (Google it if you like the smell of nerd)

  • @Tornam and Ferocious, The Justice is 40GHC and it’s available at Sytris from Monday. Silverbird Lifestyle Store is closing down for a little while so they’re not selling any books for now. Best bet is definitely Sytris. You should definitely grab one!
    @Yvonne, hmm, this blog of mine. I’ll definitely get back to it again soon. Actually, I’m thinking of putting something up tonight. Maybe the first chapter of the book could go up. And I am very approachable, so please next time, let’s chat. @JK, wow, I actually googled ‘it’s Reyn time’ and I’m surprised it’s actually a phrase. For some reason eh, I thought I came up with the name, lolol. It’s been in my head for a long time.

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