An Adventures Google Hangout with Sankofa Yale Undergraduate Association for African Peace and Development (YAAPD)

On Monday evening, Malaka and I participated in a Google Hangout with members of the Sankofa Yale Undergraduate Association for African Peace and Development (YAAPD). In spite of the technical difficulties ( a really annoying echo on the line, and a not so great connection) we had fun interacting with the young women who participated. We were also really pleased (I think I speak for both of us Malaka?) that YAAPD wants to go ahead and spark a series of conversations around sexuality on the Yale campus. You go YAAPD!

If you can bear the static and really annoying echo (you have been warned) go ahead and listen to the hangout below.


And this seems like the perfect time to make another announcement. From January we are going to launch the ‘Adventures Google Hangout Series’. Yes, real time conversation with African women (and maybe a few African men) about all the sorts of topics we have been chatting about on Adventures. I know many of you are concerned about anonymity so you might want to start thinking of how you will disguise your faces and voices so that you can participate in these hangouts – I am looking at you Ekuba and Nnenna. I would love to know what kind of topics you would want us to cover in these hangouts so drop your suggestions in the comments box below, and if you will like to join in the hangout let us know too.

One Love.


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