Will You Come Read With Me?

Dear Adventurers:

Fate and her seven breasted sister, Fortune, have smiled upon me and have provided a most marvelous surprise. I’m coming home for my first book reading in Accra in one week!

*Yay! Backflips! Cue the prancing ponies!*

I owe this moment to you, my fellow Adventurers. It is because of your feedback and demands that I get those new posts in EVERY DAY (!) that I was able to get the contents of what turned out to be a novel done so quickly!

So if you’ll be in Accra on November 27th, will you join me at the Goethe Institute at 7pm? You will?! Excellent. Admission is free and open to the public. This is a pretty big deal for me, because Ghana Voices Series has extended its author reading calendar an extra month just to accommodate me and OUR little book.

I recognize that it’s been well over a year since the ATS series was posted on Adventures, so here’s a little reminder of what was my favorite scene in the whole book. (Or at least the prelude to it. Remember that stab to Mr. Boakye’s balls? Ouch…)

Tony paced the floors of the chief inspector’s office like a caged panther. Afosua’s phone had been ringing and unanswered for hours. He was worried. Something had to be terribly wrong. The inspector leaned back in his office chair and tried to calm Tony down.

“If what you tell me is correct, she’s okay,” said Frederick Frimpong. “Ms. Gyemfi seems like an intelligent woman. We have a man stationed outside of Phillips & Boakye, and he says Mr. Boakye’s car is still in the compound.”

Tony stopped pacing.

“Has he seen Mr. Boakye?”

Inspector Frimpong leveled his gaze to meet Tony’s, his bumbling error becoming apparent.  

“Shit!” Tony cursed. “There are three different ways to get out of that office. Harold could have left through any of them hours ago!”

“Calm down, Mr. Coffie,” said the inspector curtly. “We are on the case.”

“We have to get out there and look for her!” he cried. “Get all your resources on this.”

Frimpong shifted in his seat, but didn’t rise.

“And where exactly would we start looking?”

Tony walked over to his desk and planted the palms of his hands on the scratched wooden surface. The whir of the air-condition was just loud enough to muffle the rage in his voice.

“I don’t think you understand the magnitude of what is going on here,” he said between gritting teeth. “Not only has your department failed to identify and catch a criminal, but your current inaction is going to be responsible for whatever happens to the one person who managed to. Now get off your incompetent ass and follow me.”

Tony strode furiously towards the door and got into his car with his cell phone in hand. Mark Phillips picked up on the other end. He spoke quickly.

“Mark… it’s Tony. There is a car outside of your office with a police officer in it. Get in it.”

Inspector Frimpong barely had time to shut his door as Tony whipped his car onto the road. He had no time to waste.

Malaka BookCover2

Hope to see you all there! And if you can’t come, don’t fret. We’ll blog all about it. 🙂



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