Our next hangout takes place this Friday, 14th February at 17:00 GMT.
The topic to be discussed is the metamorphosis or evolution – if you will – of love or its perception from the African woman’s context. What were you taught about love as a young woman, and how did those concepts change if at all in various stages of life and with different experiences?
Facilitator – Malaka (Ghana/US)
Her fab guests are:
Tosinger (Nigeria/US) Listen to her music via http://www.afrodreaming.com/home.html
Rambling Roomates (Ghana) Read their blog http://loveafrican.wordpress.com/
Tiffany (South Africa/Kenya) Check out the site she curates http://holaafrica.org/tag/holaa/
Ngosa (Zambia)Visit her blog http://mwanabaafrika.blogspot.com/
This hangout will be streamed live via this link with a recording available after the hangout via the same link. Sign up to the events page now (same link) to ensure you get a reminder when the hangout is starting, and remember to add ‘adventuresfrom [at]gmail dot com’ to your Google Circles.
Any questions for our resource people? You can pop that into the comments box below, and if you are on twitter follow the live tweets via @adventurefrom with the hashtag #AdSex

3 comments On Join our ‘Metamorphosis of Love’ hangout on Valentine’s Day
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Hi Y’all! I’m part of a team that is organizing an event on the 8th of March on Gender, Sexuality and Film. The context will be very Kenyan and we’re looking to talk around the movies Nairobi Half Life, Dangerous Affair and Shuga. Because we see so many parallels between your work and what we’d like to have conversations around, we were interested in having a Gchat with someone from your team and Miss Mandi and Queen Gathoni who host the podcast show #VerbalIntercourse and who are presenters at the event. We were hoping to do so next Friday via a google hangout. Please do get in touch with me for more details if this is something that you would like to do or are interested in? Much appreciated. The site and event details are on theatienoproject.weebly.com thanks!