Do you remember this moment from last year?

Many of you voted for Adventures, and we picked up 2 awards at the first ever Ghana social media awards.
This year we have been nominated in 2 categories. We have been nominated again for ‘Best Blog’, and 2 of our bloggers (Malaka Grant and Ekuba) have been nominated in the category of ‘best female blogger’. I am so pleased by these nominations and would really appreciate it if you could please vote via this link for Adventures and our bloggers. Once you vote you will get an email with a link asking you to click to confirm your vote. Please remember to do this as well.
I am also especially pleased that Malaka’s blog has also been nominated in the category of best blog. You are really spoilt for choice on who to vote for 🙂
Some of you may also know that I work for the African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF). AWDF’s blog has been nominated in the category of ‘best organisational blog’ as well as in the category of ‘Organisation with best social media presence’. Whilst you are voting for ‘Adventures’, please vote for AWDF too.
Let’s take home a couple of awards 🙂
Thank you for reading, contributing, commenting and being part of the Adventures family.
Much Love,
Nana D
8 comments On Vote for Adventures From to Win 2 Ghana Blogging and Social Media Awards
Congratulations to all nominees, most esp. Ekuba.
Now, I want you guys to join me in casting out the demons that have taken a hold of Abena’s typing abilities! I declare, freedom and cast out imprisonment. This warfare has gone on for too long, 2 weeks to be precise. Lord, I ask that you hear our prayer and deliver a miracle in the form of a new installment. Who told you to be good at writing, eh?
The Lord hath heard thy cry and by this evening shall deliver satan unto death and destruction! I’ve missed my Agyapomaa. I have so much to add to her story. Ah ah! Now to a second matter which I shall address in vlog form…
Lol, @ AM thank you dear, please vote for me 🙂
Good luck to all the nominees!
AM you are hilarious! I actually think Abena aka Malaka has done a fabulous job of blogging this year. In fact in the past year and a half she has upped her blogging game so much that I am now practically horizontal where Adventures is concerned.
Yes I am especially delighted about Ekuba’s nomination because girlfriend has poured her heart out to us on this page, shared many sensitive subjects, educated, informed, documented her Gran’s herstory…and I truly believe she deserves recognition for this. Hei, we might even start our own ‘Adventures’ awards in the future. Heheheh. Too many recognitions deserved…I’m also thinking of Nnenna Marcia and VV for e.g.
@ NAna,
I concur!! Although, I don’t comment on MOM, men, the posts have been absolutely phenom! Very interesting. I could care less for Ghanaian politics and what have you’s but your BFF has managed to reel somewhat of an interest in me.
Hmmm. That’s been my folly. I’ve been so caught up in politics and Ghana social welfare that I’ve neglected the rest of my readership. I vow to do better with more general issues, like the possible whereabouts of the missing Malaysian airplane. Me? I know exactly where it is. They’ve flown it to the island of Lost, which is located in the Saudi Arabian desert. You can’t fool me!
Wa sai papa
*smiling* Even more phenom for me has been the regularity of writing for both MOM and Adventures. Plus I’m super impressed that Malaka keeps more up to date with Ghanaian issues than I do…and I live here 🙂