Thank you: We won best overall blog

Fellow Adventurers, thank you so very much. For the 2nd consecutive year, this blog won ‘best overall blog’ at the Ghana Blogging and Social Media Awards. Malaka and I are overjoyed. A few minutes before seeing tweets that we had won in this category, we had been whatsapp’ing each other preparing ourselves for the possibility of not winning…BUT you all made sure we won by contributing to this blog, voting for us, and telling your friends about this space. We appreciate you so much. So many people make this blog the space it is, and that is what makes ‘Adventures’ special. A very special thanks to our friend Edith who picked up the award on our behalf (I am waiting for a photo of her standing triumphantly with our award to include her).

Here’s a short video of Malaka’s reaction when she read the good news



Edith (left) picks up the best overall blog award on behalf of 'Adventures'
Edith (left) picks up the best overall blog award on behalf of ‘Adventures’

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