Video blog: My shitty sex life update

Hi All,

So yesterday morning I did another video blog update on my shitty sex life inspired by an ask from Malaka a couple of comments ago, and queries from one or two of you. Here's the link:

Watch: My shitty sex life update

For those who for any reason can't watch video, here's the nutshell update:

* My sex life in 2014 was not as shitty as 2013...hopefully 2015 would be waaaayyyyy better

* I kinda feel ready to have a 'serious' please send in applications 🙂

I want to know about your sex life too. What was your sex life like in 2014? What do you hope it will be like in 2015? Would you date me? If so why, if not, why not? Trust me this last question is VERY important. It will help me assess my life, and my attractiveness as a potential girlfriend quotient.

18 comments On Video blog: My shitty sex life update

  • Nana any other requirement? Just need a little info.

  • Long time lurker, first time commenter. Great blog. For me 2014 was just not happening. So many promising encounters, too many dead ends. But 2015 has already been deflowered so Yay! And to answer your last question, Yeah id date you, mainly out of curiosity though (dont know you well enough).

    • Yay Akwasinice, I’m glad 2015 is being deflowered in so many nice ways including you commenting for the very first time. I hope now that you’ve broken the ice we will be hearing more from you.

  • **my very fisrt comment**
    2014 Was slow, l never really ventured into any escapeds. But l have a funny feeling 2015 will be an exciting journey even though lm yet to taste waters. Lol!! As for dating you, l’d need a reply to this comment before l can decide. **wink**

    • Ha @Natedog, we love very first comments. Tell me more, why was 2014 slow and what gives you the feeling that 2015 will be exciting.

      Now you can reply to the dating me element of my questions 🙂

  • Oh muhh gould!! I’ve laughed saaaa. Herh! This was too funny. Here’s to easier tinz in 2015.

  • Amen to easier tinz in 2015 MASI 🙂

  • @Nana Darkoa, l couldn’t hold down any serious relationship in 2014, most of the ladies were either boring to hold conversations or were not interested. But l have got in contact with some interesting ladies recently. Lol. Dating wouldn’t be a problem to me, coz l think you are an open-minded person who likes to have fun. **scratch that** **wink** lol

  • 2015 has been good. I carried over a guy from 2014 LOL. So here’s to a bomb 2015

  • Greetings free minded people! Another first time commenter right here. Well,2014 was quiet an exiting year, loads of exciting guilty pleasures and sexting. Great blog. Big up yourself Nana!

  • @Natedogg – All the best with the interesting women you’ve met with recently. Here’s wishing you an Adventurous 2015

    @MJ – Raising my virtual glass to a bomb 2015 for us all

    @Greetings Conscious. Congratulations on breaking your commenting hymen. Looking forward to many more comments from you. Exciting guilty pleasures and sexting sounds good too. Big up

  • my sex life in 2014 started out great, then ended rather disappointingly when my fuck buddy entered into a commited relationship with a virgin (go figure). Another MAJOR downer for me was not getting any woman on woman action even though I kept scoping sporadically.
    in 2015, I dream of falling in love with the man of my dreams so I can actually have all the sensual, bonding, no holds barred sex which I have been craving recently.
    Nana Darkoa….I would most definitely date you….honestly, would you date me?

    • @Naa I know I shouldn’t laugh but your buddy dogged you for a virgin? Wow.Well to play devils advocate maybe he really fell for her, or decided that he wanted to be with someone who hadn’t been with anyone else which I think is such an egoistic thing. Would I date you? Why not? If we met and we hit it off who knows 🙂

  • I am very curious to hear some more details on what exactly would be a “Feminist man”.
    Just a man that respects woman’s rights, thoughts and desires and sees her as equal or something else also?


    • Great question Marko. A man who respects women’s rights, thoughts desires, and sees her as an equal would be great. I’ll happily date a guy like that. That man however is not necessarily feminist. In my view a feminist person (which obviously includes men) recognises that the world has been structured in such a way to privilege men (people of power, wealthy people, heterosexuals and I can go on and on), and works to disrupt that in some way. Now for me there is a lot of scope in how this disruption takes place. The feminist man could be a photographer for e.g.whose images show women in their full vitality. He could be a musician who sings about ’empowered women’. He could be working for a domestic violence shelter. Or he could be a man in the corporate world who believes in women’s rights and supports the women’s movement financially. Or he could be a broke guy who speaks up when his boys say things like “that chick is a ho”. He would be the guy who speaks up and says, “that’s not cool. We shouldn’t talk about women like that”. Or he could be a teacher who consciously brings the voices of women into his classroom – he teaches about women’s rights, feminism, etc.

      I hope this helps 🙂

  • I think my application is probably late by now but I will give it a try, may the force be with me. So taking one question bit by bit, my sex life in 2014 was more like the movie matrix,I could pause time to try figure what the heck I was doing but yet return back to action. It was splendid when I wanted it to be and awkward when I had my doubts. In 2015, I wanted to test how far I could go without sex, I fell in the middle of january. Like they say, so far so good, discovering new knowledge. I will date depending on what you want out of it. You seem to be a nice person.

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