16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence: Share Your Stories of Survival



Today mark’s the start of the global campaign on ’16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence’. What this means is that activists all over the world use this period to create even more awareness on the need for an end to violence against women and marginalised communities. And yes, an end to violence, period. The reality is that most acts of violence are perpetuated by men, and powerful people and groups against the less powerful such as the incidents of rape that lesbian women experience by men who think that ‘rape’ somehow ‘changes’ someone’s sexual orientation.

I have been thinking about how we over here on Adventures can focus on 16 Days of Activism in an empowering way thanks to our new guest contributor Wolverine – how about we share our stories of survival. Stories of how you survived a violent relationship, overcome emotional abuse, got over sexual abuse etc.

So I invite you all to share your survival stories with Adventures during this period by emailing adventuresfrom [at]gmail dot com

I look forward to reading, sharing and discussing here.


Nana D

2 comments On 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence: Share Your Stories of Survival

  • I like, I like! Thank you Nana! There is alot more going on in our bedrooms and homes that is not very orgasmic at all and so many of us cannot get help for fear of being judged by society and by our academic peers. It can happen to anyone of us, at any time.

  • Pingback: Survival:Minnie’s Story ()

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