Calling all Spirit Women

Adventures is calling for stories from spirit women for a session that will take place at #ChaleWote2016 – Africa’s largest street art festival. See more info on SPIRIT WOMEN below, and if this strikes a chord, share your story and a short bio with us in any form under 500 words. We’ll select a few stories to read at the festival, with due credit, and to publish on the blog.

SPIRIT WOMEN @ #ChaleWote2016 #SpiritRobot #theLABS

Friday 19 August, 7:30 – 9pm, Accra

SPIRIT WOMEN is a celebration of exquisite forms of spirit power that are (often negatively) associated with femininity – and may not be viewed as ‘power’ in the language of patriarchal robotocracies, but in human reality, hold the world together.

Spirit Women graphic created for Adventures by AnimaxFYB Studios.
Spirit Women graphic created for Adventures by AnimaxFYB Studios.


The power of emotions as catalysts that have shifted the tides of history. The power of empathy and intuition. The power of creation and reclamation. The power in being “such a girl”, “such a bitch”, “such a hoe”. The power in salvaging beauty from mountains of bullshit, in remaining defiantly beautiful and self-loving in a world that for hundreds of years has offered relentless attacks on our humanity as black women…

This session will explore various ways in which spirit power lives among us, how we in turn live through it, and how we can use it to subvert the oppressive ways in which robot systems express power.

SPIRIT WOMEN features Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah and Paula Akugizibwe among several others, in association with Adventures from the Bedrooms of African Women.

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