Over the past few months, Malaka, I and our friends at HOLAA! have been working with a talented artist (spoiler: my partner) to create an amazing set of illustrations depicting African women’s diverse sexualities. We are so excited to share this with the world, and I for one am super excited that we can stop reusing the same old images that we continuously share on Adventures.
What makes me even more excited about our visual documentation project is because it is just that. We have long realised that there is a lack of powerful images that speak to the spectrum of African women’s sexualities. We want to contribute to changing that. And we want to make these visuals available for other people who also want to portray African women’s sexualities in ways that show us as the women we are, and the women we want to be – women with agency, women who love ourselves, women in control of our sex lives. Over the next couple of weeks, we will share these images with you. We encourage you to use them (Creative license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 applies), share them, and more importantly, use them as prompts to write stories which you can then pitch to Adventures or HOLAA!
Deal? Here’s your first visual prompt below. Write a story inspired by this image and send it to adventuresfrom[at]gmaildotcom

9 comments On ‘Sexy African Visuals’ by Adventures from the Bedrooms of African Women & HOLAA!
We are incredibly excited about this project and hope that many (many, many!) Adventurers will have their imaginations tickled, sparked, pricked…by these images.
Share your stories o!
I think you will all be really pleased and pleasantly surprised in the weeks to come. 🙂
Oh! I so love this image.
Can we use them on our website – with permission off course.
Pretty please.
Of course you can! The visuals are open for use so long as credit is provided. 🙂 Link us back when you post!
Chapter one: He never takes out his socks… And this is an endless source of arousal for me. I can always stare and wonder and fantasize him outside in the world, going out of ways to experience his wildest desires. When he first approached me, I laughed him out saying: “What am I going to do with you? Breastfeed you. Go find girls your age!”
He said: No disrespect, but if you let me, you will not regret it. I know how to behave. I am a smooth lover. I have no interest in girls my age. They don’t know how to let go. I heard that after 50 years old women are more likely to enjoy anal sex. I am an expert anal lover.
I love this, keep going pls. I love the anal bit:)
I “tchipped” and moved on, but my mind had already registered the information. I gave up after I saw him dancing. He invited me and I could not resist. I complemented him: “You are a smooth dancer, too, obviously”. You could hear him laughing over the loud sound… I was hooked. Desperately.
The guy was a little crazy, in the way he disrespected all conventions. His opinions and ideas were always out of the box. He would never do things like every body else. Like, in our community, people are very discreet when courting each other. The guy would say in front of every body that he appreciated me like a woman, not like an aunt. If my skin was lighter, you could see me blushing. Embarrassed, I would throw whatever was in my hands at him and miss him. So after a while, every body knew how he felt about me and this was the joke of the year, except that he was not joking! He would even tell my man: “Be careful or I will steal her from you.” To which, I would answer: “shut up, you stupid, I am not a vulgar object!”. “ Then, I will charm you. I have a powerful juju”…