To children or not to children

1 comments On To children or not to children

  • I really enjoy this post and found the link thru CNN. I love the expression, thought, and integrity of your panelists. I am a mother of a 6 year old, and as you said, there is much unexplored space on motherhood and sentiment, both populist and experiential, that can be explored much further. I applaud the courage of you as panelists to understand your feelings and decisions and own approach to what being a woman means to you. A show that I often viewed is Les Maternelles, which is a French-language broadcast on raising young children. I needed that show because French women are very pragmatic, and frank about balancing their life and children, and see both as distinct. In the end, we all want the same things – better sex, something to wake up for, and be proud about, right? THANK YOU thank you Thank you for the post in adding to this community.

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