Laquo’s sex and relationship goals for 2019

Photo credit: Bob Pixel

Here’s some background. I’m a few months shy of 42 years old, a mother of two – a 21-year-old-level-300 daughter and a 5-year old son with Down syndrome.

I was raped by a friend which led to the conception of my daughter and that put me of relationships until I met my son’s dad. We started out as friends (and maybe should have remained so), because the relationship ended with him walking out of our lives and never looking back when our son was born and diagnosed with Down syndrome. I concluded that the relationship was officially over when my son turned two.

Clearly, from the above, you can see I have not really had that much sex. I convinced myself I will only have sex in a committed relationship, nothing casual or with a with a married man. However, I am a grown woman who is doing everything right (being a great mom to my kids, holding down a job and constantly developing my self) other than having sex! I have had some satisfying sexual experiences (however brief they may have been) and know what I’m missing out on. I have sexual needs which have been shelved for so long…God knows the oxytocin will do me a lot of good (hehehehe).

My goal for this intimate part of my life is to explore my sexuality and not to overthink the possible sexual encounters that come my way this year. I want to give myself the opportunity to feel like a woman and not just someone’s mother (I love my munchkins, but I think it’s time I let the woman in me go to town?)

I want to give myself the permission to feel sexy, attractive, fun…long story short, I’m looking forward to some excitingly toe-curling and back-arching orgasmic sexual experiences this year. Do I know or have a plan for this goal? I have been out of the game for so long I have no clue and scared out of my mind, but I know it is time.

Fellow Adventurers, share your suggestions on how this woman can bring her game on and get me some you-know-what…….

Yours in adventures,


15 comments On Laquo’s sex and relationship goals for 2019

  • Hallo, gal. Thanks for sharing. I suggest that you start a secret “who’s a good Fuck” with your friends. This is just a start that can lead to “who to Avoid”, to “who’s How”, to “who’s for Sharing”, to “who fucks Who? etc. Please count me in your list of distribution. Wish you many good encounters.

  • Interesting…
    Maybe we can get something on.
    {sorry Nana deleted your email address cos we don’t allow soliciting via Adventures :)}

  • You are one strong woman. You deserve a long warm hug…..

  • Right, there you go ! Just make time , well I just feel you are too busy thus your sexual needs aren’t really met. Instead of “finding time” , try making time for some pleasure, what do you say ?

  • What of your dildos?

  • Its an old cliche but its useful here: Men give love for sex, and women give sex for love. You will find detractors to that cliche but the point is that men and women see sex in different light. What percentage of women mix up love and sex? For me its totally disconnected. Lesson to most men reading your blog, penis length seems put in the background

  • As a man who respects women, it might be good to expand upon what women do want, and how us responsible, polite and decent men can improve. The more communication the better. Thanks for sharing with us all.

  • I say you start by dressing up on Friday night and going to a local hangout where you like the music have a few drinks meet some new people and find someone interesting to share your feelings with. But he careful good sex usually brings on feeling for us females and that might be a issue it’s hard for us to separate sec and Love. Enjoy

  • Ask men to spend more time learning about G spot and clitoral stimulation. and you will like the results

  • Interesting……

  • Hi , i went thought the same feeling about 5 years ago , when i was a single dad but i quick findout that the best sex is being alone . The greatest multiple orgasms i achieved were alone.

  • Pingback: CNN: She wants women to have good sex. So she started a website where they can talk about it (safely) – Upspoken ()

  • Don: White Chocolate

    You have told us a very intimate story. As a man, I do understand your yearning for some toe curling sex. A great mother needs some great loving. My African Queen’s toes always curl when I deliver the goods properly. Although we are now in the time of Covid-19, I agree with the idea of needing to dress sexy, go to a small watering hole and flirt. Roll the dice.

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