I’m a sucker for Valentine’s day

Image of Nana Darkoa by Yinka

I’m a sucker for Valentine’s day. Yeah, yeah, yeah I know its been overly commodified but remove that from the equation and what do you get? A reminder to show the people in your life that you love them. And I’m not talking about just the kind of love we get shown on TV – I’m talking about deep friendship and loveship amongst women, the deep affection between a mother and her child, and yes, the love between you and your significant others. Of course we all know that we should show the people we love that we care for them all the time. But come on, life gets in the way. You get stuck in an everyday rut, end up eating dinner whilst you’re both scrolling through your social media, end up having sex in the same way cos you know how to get each other off easily. For me, Valentine’s day is a reminder to switch things up. A reminder to consciously do something differently: maybe have sex in your car (it can even be parked in the compound of your house so no need to get arrested by the police), turn the lights down low and have an intimate dinner (with no phones!), make a gift for your lover, take your Mum out to dinner.

Valentine’s day is not just for couples. Hands down my best Valentine’s day experiences were spent with one of my (former best friends). On one occasion we booked a table at a fancy French restaurant, got dressed up for the occasion, and exchanged gifts over yummy food and drinks. On another occasion we threw a singles-only party – two people who met at that party subsequently got married.

This Valentine’s day I will be showing myself some love. I’m heading off to my favourite spinning class, treating myself to a massage at home, and this evening hosting a friend to dinner at my house.

How will you show yourself love today and always?

P.S: Did you catch Famia and I chatting about Valentine’s day on #AdventuresTV yesterday? If not go watch it now, and share the video with all your friends. That can be your gift to us today.

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