How To Track Your Growth As A Sexual Being Through The Quality Of Threesomes You Have

black women in a threesome
Image via @insta_holaa

Level One: WTF?!

Her name was Anna. I told a friend that I had just had sex with a girl for the first time. His response was, “You need to meet Anna.”

Anna invited me to a party and I brought my friend Emma. The party was whack so we left and went to Anna’s house. (For Kenyans reading this, one word: Juja)

This is what I remember:

Emma & I 
side by side on the floor.

on top of us.
Boobs in my face
and commands
about what to do with them. 

Fingers in my vagina.
I’ll never forget that part.
Anna had nails for days.
And a lot of enthusiasm. 

She dominated both of us. 

On our way home the next day, Emma and I could only look at each other and go like “WTF was that?” I never saw Anna again after that. No fucking way.

Level Two: Young Wild & Free

We were all friends.
They were a couple.
They got me naked,
at the prompting of another friend
(who sat back and watched).

She ate me out.
I was very much into it.
He licked my nipples
and touched me,
but was mostly distracted
watching his babe do the thing.

I absolutely loved
being the center of attention.

As they got ready to leave,
I asked her if she wanted to brush her teeth.
She paused for a second then said,
“No, I’m good. I like the taste.”


Level Three: Too Soon For The Deep End

Tinder date in New York City
a couple,
Kev and Kayla.

I loved Kayla.
Tall, black,
hips like whoa,
wearing heels that completed her
#HotGirl look.

Kev was a white dude.
Fun to talk to.

It occurred to me to end the date
after dinner+drinks,
and meet up a second time for the sex
but then…
we went to smoke up in their car
and they had really good weed.

(Wiz Khalifa and I worship at the same altar.
If you know, you know)

We drove back to their place across the river,
getting stoned,
enjoying views.

The sex was awkward for me.
I was unsure as I gave Kayla head.
She was super turned on though,
any slight touch sent her places. 
That was fascinating

I for sure
was not going to suck
this strange man’s dick,
who I wasn’t even attracted to.
Kayla is who I was mostly saying yes to
when I agreed to meet.

I also didn’t like it much when Kev was fucking me, so I gently pushed him off.

Kayla took over pleasuring me,
it was good.
They did their thing.
I watched.

We finished,
listened to music,
smoked some more,
dropped me home in the AM.

Overall cool people. And respectful. 
I wasn’t ready. 

Level Four: Best Ever

This time it was me & my Babe who brought him home with us.
We knew we wanted to threesome the second we saw him.
All around mutual consent and fierce attraction.
There was nary a twosome present.
All three of us wanted to devour each other.

Kissing and
eating and
sucking and
watching and
fucking and


We only stopped because (we weren’t actually home) and when the sun came up we had to leave.

That night, I actualized. My threesome having self came full fucking circle.

Stay tuned for Levels 5 & 6.


(Read next: Tangawizi of Someplace Beautiful)

2 comments On How To Track Your Growth As A Sexual Being Through The Quality Of Threesomes You Have

  • Don:+White+Chocolate

    Wow! Very intense 3somes. Why didn’t you like fucking Kev? I have only done FMF 3somes with friends or with ladies I met at clubs in one night stands. My favorite position was the “daisy chain”, or as I call it, the “99”.

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