Celebrate ‘World Pleasure Day’ With Our Pleasure Toolkit!

World Pleasure Day (WPD) was founded and created by Ianne Celeste Rivera in 2020. In Ianne’s words: “This day was manifested to open the mind, celebrate the body, and elevate the spirit of pleasure. I believe that to truly heal the wounds of our collective pain, we must reclaim the body as the root of our healing and pleasure as a gentle guide.” 

With the help of our partners and friends, we curated a global, multilingual and multimedia list of resources and creative content focused on pleasure. This Pleasure Toolkit is designed to grow and expand as our concepts and understanding of pleasure morph over time. Have some resources you’d like to contribute to this project? Please send links, videos, articles, etc to our team at adventuresfrom @ gmail.com to be added to this collection. Don’t forget to share with us in the comment section what brings you satisfaction. We want to know!


Pleasure Is Good: How French Children Acquire a Taste for Life
Taking a pleasure-based approach to Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE)
Youth Sexuality and Sex-Positive Approaches in Indonesia


Check out The Pleasure Podcast. Writer and actor Naomi Sheldon and sexual function doctor Anand Patel explore the relationship we have with our bodies when it comes to sex, intimacy and pleasure in this new series of interviews with sexologists, DJs, novelists, therapists and more. It’s a whole new kind of sex education. For your aural pleasure.

The Adventures Podcast is co-hosted by Nana Darkoa and Malaka. In this new series, the pair welcome you into their bedrooms, and the bedrooms of African women where they uncover and discuss all things sex, sexuality, and pleasure.

Need some mood music? Check out this Pleasure Playlist curated by Bright. It takes you around the world (and through your emotions) and back in 4 hours.


From anthologies, to soft romance and personal reflections, we’ve got you covered! Check out these pleasure reading picks that are sure to tickle your fancy.


“Sube de nivel tu sexualidad: Un taller para normalizar el placer sexual.” This workshop is in Spanish and will be hosted on August 26th. Register at https://lu.ma/SW4U_SNISEX 

Social Media Accounts to Follow

100 Stories of Pleasure
Heal With Anna
Monse Navas
Grlz Wave


Sex, kropp och hälsa på olika språk

Curated by RFSU, this collection of videos, short films and animations covers a range of topics including sex education, bodily autonomy and power.

Virtual Gallery Experience

Powered by Venu3D, this virtual exhibit features artists from around the globe in a serene, intimate setting. Enter into a virtual world of visual and sensory pleasure. Bring a friend and make it a date! (*Spoiler alert: Yes, you are entering through the outer labia.)

Click on either of the links, according to the OS system. Download the Venu3D app on your device and open the assigned zip file.

Windows Users: https://github.com/RoboBearLLC/VRConferencePublic/releases/download/20210630Venu-Live/VenuSpectrumOfSexV7.zip

Mac Users: https://github.com/RoboBearLLC/VRConferencePublic/releases/download/20210630Venu-Live/VenuSpectrumOfSexV7.app.zip


“All About You” is the first Georgian website on sexuality education. It aims to create a precedent for feminist, sex-positive, freedom-of-choice-oriented, tolerant, inclusive, equal sexual education adapted to the lives of young people in the Internet space and beyond.

The website provides information that is medically correct and through which sex education is carried out in countries such as the United States of America, Canada and Great Britain. The project is implemented by the International Women’s Network, a non-governmental organization that works to provide sexual education and promote sexual health.”

Image source: allaboutyou.ge

KIMBRITIVE has developed several resources to help you and the women and girls in your life feel empowered to understand your bodies, cultivate healthy relationships, and unapologetically celebrate your whole selves.

Image source: kimbritive.com

Mapping Global Pleasure

And finally, a pleasure map by Pleasure Project so you can continue exploring projects and resources about pleasure around the world!

Image source: thepleasureproject.org

We would like to show our appreciation to the following organizations and individuals who made this Pleasure Toolkit possible by providing resources, information, suggestions and support:

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