High…keep me there..

Photo by Andy Mkosi

I got high.

Writing this out at this moment isn’t exactly the best decision, but fuck it. It’s gotta come out.

You draw out my weaknesses and shortcomings without an ounce of empathy. You revel in your ability to be blunt with words, never minding how deep they cut. The many seeds of self-doubt you’ve sown in me over these past few months we’ve been “together” are sprouting…

Sprouting and strangling me!

Yet… I can’t get you out of my mind.

From under my skin…skirt… From inside me..

I’m high.

I wish you were partly responsible for it, just as much as you’re often responsible for my lows too. With mere words you place me on a pedestal and with the same soft, delectable, dangerous lips you spew words that bring me down faster than gravity will ever take credit for.. crushing me in places I didn’t think existed…till you..

Yet…I can’t get you out of my mind.

Grabbing my neck from behind, breathing down my blouse..digging deep into floods of wetness I find myself only capable of when that exchange of stares hits us both without intention..

I’m high.

We shouldn’t be, but we are… Are we? I shouldn’t be like this, but I am… My heart’s shifting between shattering and mending; I can’t tell what’s left to hold now. I’m a vicious cycle being around you.

Yet…I can’t get you out of my mind.

I need to find you, know you, feel you, caress you, take you in, take care of you, love you…

But… Are we even each other’s to find?

Come…keep me high.. 


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