The G Spot: Myth or Reality

I was interviewed by Joy Fm (a private radio station in Ghana) on the 14th of January on the existence of the G Spot. The actual segment which was broadcast on air included a sampling of the public on the subject. What came across to me very clearly, when the opinions of members of the public was sampled, was the amount of misconception that exists about the G spot and women’s orgasms. In this post I would like to clear some misconceptions and state some personal thoughts:

When a woman has an orgasm it does not necessarily mean her G Spot has been hit. The G Spot refers to a zone (rather than a mere spot) in the woman’s front vaginal wall which when stimulated can result in an orgasm. In theory, the G-Spot feels slightly rough to the touch as opposed to other areas of the vaginal wall which feel quite smooth. The G Spot is named after Ernest Grafenberg, a Researcher who is credited with describing the zone. Scientists and Sex Researchers have long debated the existence of the G Spot. One school of thought believes the G Spot exists and the other school of thought thinks its a figment of women’s imaginations (and of course a figment of the imagination of sex therapists, sexperts, scientists). Personally I believe the zone exists, how else does one explain the ability to have vaginal orgasms only in particular positions and circumstances? After the radio broadcast yesterday one of my friends rang me and said:

“Don’t mind them Nana, we know the G Spot exists. I know which bit he needs to hit.”

When I was discussing the topic with a colleague prior to the interview she sent me into fits of laughter when she said:

” They can interview me. I have proof that the G Spot exisits”.

Anecdotal evidence, yes, but evidence that I would argue is as strong as ” scientific” study.

However, I do not believe that women need to make finding their G Spot a mission. As another colleague said to me yesterday the G Spot is missed so often, if you’re waiting to find it you will never orgasm.
So how does a woman achieve orgasm? In several ways – Women can have clitoral orgasms, vaginal orgasms, anal orgasms and orgasms achieved by touching other parts of the body, some women for example can orgasm from having their nipples suckled!

What are your thoughts? Does the G Spot exist? What types of orgasms do you have?

The Masseur

Spirit Living

Rules of Engagement

14 comments On The G Spot: Myth or Reality

  • Funny story. Whilst in College a male friend first told me about the G-spot and described it and how to get at it with your fingers to a T. A few years later I directed my boyfriend to use his fingers to get at it and it was the most overwhelming orgasm ….complete with squirting- It felt like there was a flood. 🙂

    Now thats the first and only time I’ve had an orgasm that way. Why cos when I show guys they either go at it too hard or they don;t get it. Anyhoo I don;t make my G-spot a mission, clitoral works fine for me.

    Oh but recently a small boy bi was going at my boobies so intensely ( no biting just intense sucking with varied stimuli) that I had an orgasm

  • My story about the G spot is I was always given to believe the best way to stimulate it is with the fingers.

  • Ya Madam i think u are right, the G Sport exists cos i have it and i believe its not an imagination.

    Madam am very very grateful for the work u are doing God bless u all.
    its really interesting here in ur site, i just heard u on Joy yesterday on News Night and i took the adress its very very educative i love ur work.

    Stay Blessed

  • reality but i agree with you, there are other ways to acheive orgasm, it’s all about experimenting 🙂

  • not sure of this G spot thing. How come we have so many unsatisfied women if such a place exist. Ma experience has thought me one thing, there is not a single rule that works for everyone. We are unique and that applies to our sexual needs….

  • Nana, you were bloody brilliant on Joy FM! And I’m not just saying that because you’re my BFF. As for the G spot dieh, I don’t know if it exists or not. I have yet to locate mine, and I’m over 30. I feel like such a loser and a late bloomer. And it’s not like I haven’t tried oh! It’s like searching for a purple squirrel or a unicorn in Osu.

  • Nana, I read about the G-spot years ago when I stumbled on a book my father kept hidden amongst religious and subject books in his vast library. I was 14. When I finally lost my big V to a much older girlfriend two years after, it was because my fingers left her shaking for minutes! I first time it happened, we both didn’t know what was happening. She was squirting and shaking violently and then the crying started. She didn’t even want me to touch her the whole time.

    I’m currently seeing this girl who wouldn’t let my fingers near her bosom after bringing her to fruition that first time. She dislikes the intensity. Does the G-spot exist? I know so. And it makes my simple expandable penis seem a lot less adequate.

  • I love this post and really wish I had listened to that segment of JoyFM. The G-Spot does exist… some have a more pronounced G-Spot Zone than others but it is there… so don’t worry Ms. Abena.. it will come.
    One particular subject linked to the G-spot that has recently caught recently my attention is what is now Called the “Femalae Prostate” (G-Spot still) and is linked to female ejaculation. That’s right SQUIRTING! I have most recently started reading a book that teaches women how to ejaculate both alone and with a partner for maximum sexual pleasure. I haven’t quite gotten it yet but I know it will come if I relax. It’s all a matter of time and experience/experimenting.

    Anyway… I love what you’re doing. Giving women a voice on their sexuality. Keep it up.


  • I believe that spot exists & there are lots of other pleasure spots and areas as well. The intesity of ejaculation is what I believe might differ between women.

  • @BrownAngel – And you let that boy go? I’m jealous of anyone who can orgasm from having just their nipples sucked. Its not fair!

    @Nana Yaw – Too true!

    @Beefy – See, the researchers should have spoken to you. Thanks for the blessings. Wishing you the same

    @Adjoa – I’m a big fan of experimenting

    @blackstick – I agree that our sexual needs are unique, at the end of the day you need to find out what works for your partner. If your partner is Brown Angel for e.g. sucking her nipples might be just the ticket, if I’m your partner however then you could be sucking till kingdom come and the only result will be a very pissed off Nana

    @ Abena – Sweetie, I think I need to make YOU my research project 🙂

    @Kafui – Lol, thanks for painting such a vivid picture. I can just imagine the pair of you now 🙂

    @Evelyn – Thanks for reassuring Ms Abena. Can you please please please write a post sharing what you know about how to get women to ejaculate. Its for the greater good!

    @Mike – I’m with you there

  • well well well….the G SPot really exists but my problems with some of these ladies is that the moment you stimulate them to organism via the G-spot they tend to get scared of hangin around you due to the fact that u make them feel like they r choking or about dying due to their COMING….i thought they were supposed to enjoy n b grateful….n bout organisms thru sucklin on the nipple, dats ma field…i can make any woman come through that n thats no bragging….i have done it to at least 4 different woman and so im sure bout the results. any lady wants a try i will be glad to help out and teach you a thing or two for your Boyfriends..

  • Heard you on joy fm too and am glad to be here finally. I like to explore by nature and years before I heard about a gspot I found one in my girlfriend but off course i didn’t know it was G at the time. Its unfortunate ever since I read about it, I havent located in the next girl till we broke up. Sometimes I dont wanna believe women squirt but it will be a pleasure to experience a real gusher, she will be my empress. @Brownangel,Adjoa, Beefy and Evelyn you must be very sexy ladies, thank God for your gifts lol

  • I just found out for the first time on Sat. night at 32 years old and pregnant with my six child that the g-spot exists. I have heard of these “spurting” orgasms but just believed I was not able to achieve them. I was wrong. It was like a flood. The way it happened for me was when i have a clitorios orgasm I become very sensitive and want to stop. When i said I was done to stop the male said “oh no your not” and continued fingering me. It does feel like you have to pee but if you just go with it. Bam, it happens. The trick is that you don’t hold back. Can’t believe I had to wait all this time. Can’t wait to explore this for myself.

  • @Michelle – Your comment brought a big smile to my face. You go on girlfriend!!!

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