Truth is like a big Mutuba tree; Even after chopping it down with an axe, A strong shoot from the trunk we’ll see. Truth remains, although it wane or wax. Although the dictatorship may frighten me …
Author: Guest
We have made threesomes such an unspoken of trophy only for men, three women getting down and dirty with each other is considered a bit too naughty for the masses and being in a threesome as …
I will not be having a lot of sex in 2020. I am 2, 351 miles away from home and from the love of my life. It doesn’t seem like that far, but when you factor …
There is no manual for ‘‘Girl-On-Girl’’ sex. No written literature for beginners, I say beginners with intentional caution. There is always a deep camouflaged understanding in nearly every queer person in the pit of your stomach …
This motherhood gig does very peculiar things to your body. Takes a while to get used to it! My baby was about 4 months old when I became sexually active again. It was the December holidays …
This is centred around women who primarily partner with men. This does not include the role of sex work at this time. I will not attempt to define sex positivity not only because I do not …
Most people say “vagina” when what they’re really referring to is the vulva. The vulva is the external, visible part of your genitals — your labia (lips), clitoris, vaginal opening, and the opening to your urethra …
I was 17 years old the first time I heard the word rape in relation to sexual violation. Before this, rape was the spinach-like vegetable that I ate as a child in Zambia – which I …
On the floors of the wards of Luzira Women Prison Women sleep as congested as firewood neatly stacked. Petty crime and debt – none is here for treason. The injustices of our justice system leave us …
/things i didn’t tell my mother that there was a boy in my neighbourhood and that i liked him and that i went to church most evenings because of him and he and some other boys …