There is much that thrills me about being thirty something including: • Being thirty something yet looking like I’m twenty something • An increased sense of confidence and self worth • Greater financial and personal freedom …
Blog Posts
Clearly a lot, right, but perhaps not in the way you may initially envisage. As part of my interest in researching sex and sexuality I borrowed this huge tome, “Our Sexuality” by Robert Crooks and Karla …
On this blog I generally write about the “good” aspects of sex and how to have good sex. However, there is a flip side to sex: There are some women whose sexual rights and bodily integrity …
Blow job, fellatio, head, or whatever else you choose to call it, why do African women hardly talk about it? Growing up, the reactions from my fellow African women in regards to giving blow jobs ran …
For my thoughts on being black, womanhood and body issues do check out the interview with Girl, It’s Not Just You… Do let me know your thoughts on the interview …
A few weeks ago one of my oldest friends accused me of being “anti-marriage, anti-relationship and anti-children”, I was shocked. “Me?” I responded, “Where did you get that impression from?” “It’s true” she said, if you …
I come from the social constructivist school of thought and I’m loath to admit to any strong biological imperatives. My reasons for this are mainly political, women’s biology seems to be used as an excuse to …
Why is it that people ask if you’re gay when you stand up for gay rights? Why do I know so many wonderful single girls and no single men? Being in a relationships is overrated. Religious …
I love waist beads. I love the way they look and the way they feel against my body. I love it when my lover plays with my waist beads. I feel sexier when I wear waist …
I am very interested to learn more about traditional methods of seduction. A friend from Benin shared with me some sex tips from her mother. Mother: Put your husband’s head on your breast like this. Then …