There are different, valid understandings for people who identify as bisexual and it sometimes means different things to different people. I identify as bisexual because I am not attracted to only one gender. My world and …
Tag: african women
I recently returned from an impromptu trip to Puerto Rico. My sister invited me at the last minute and I obliged her by saying yes. The archipelago – still recovering from a devastating hurricane the wreaked …
It is that time to set your sex goals for the year! Now I know the World is still ablaze because of Covid-19 and so much is still in the balance as to what our lives …
Adventures From The Bedrooms of African Women is pleased to announce that applications will open on January 20, 2021 for the 2021 Adventurous Writing and Social Media Fellowship Program. The aim of these fellowships is to …
Since the Adventures Live! Festival 2020 launched in July, we have virtually explored desire through blogposts, online panel discussions, virtual art and poetry exhibition, Instagram Live Music sets, and Twitter Chats. Now, we are physically gathering together as …
Over the last few months, The virtual festival Adventures Live! 2020 has seen us on an exciting communal odyssey of Desire. Since our launch in July, we’ve explored Desire, what it tastes like, what it smells …
On August 14, four parents joined an #AdventuresLive2020 panel to share their experiences and perspectives on the complex topic of raising children without sexual shame. Timehin Adegbeye came through from Nigeria, Fatime Faye from Senegal and …
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to listen in on deeply informative and fun conversations about topics that make your toes curl, sets off a delicious tingly feeling in your belly, and sometimes …
“Who’s fucking you?”… You…I say faintly… “What’s my name??” …”Essien”…I say breathlessly… “Say my name again”…He said stroking me deeper…”Fuck! Essien!”…I scream… With that, he pulled my arms back forcing my chest to arch and my …
I started on the Afrosexology 9-day Intercourse challenge, yes, it is exactly as it sounds, all about sex, sexuality, bodies and more sex. Day Three was aptly themed self-love and I instantly thought ooooh pleasure…fingers…my favorite …