Research Paper on Ghanaian Dating & Sex Culture

A friend’s writing a research paper on Ghanaian Dating & Sex Culture. I would be much obliged if you could help her by answering the questions below:

1. Name (Optional: If you don’t want me using your name):
2. Age:
3. Gender:
4. Nationality:
5. Countries where you’ve lived? How long?
6. What city are you in right now?
7. Can you describe what it’s like dating in Ghana?
8. Where do young men and women go out on dates? Why?
9. What is expected of a good woman? Bad woman?
10. What is expected of a good man? Bad man?
11. How does society expect men and women to behave in a relationship?
12. What happens if those expectations are not met?
13. If a young woman is interested in a guy, what should she do?
14. How important is money in a relationship? Why?
15. Who is expected to make the money? Why?
16. Once married, who usually decides how money is spent?
17. Who decides how many children to have? Why?
18. What are some sexual taboos in Ghana… Things that people don’t usually talk about favorably in the bedroom?
19. Do you wish that these things weren’t taboo?
20. What are your thoughts on virginity? Is it important? Why or why not?
21. What do you expect from a man/women when it comes to sexual relationships?
22. How do you feel Western culture (American & European) has influenced thoughts on sexuality in Ghana (relationship wise, sexuality wise, and the role man and women play in society?
23. As far as you can remember, since when has Ghana had access to Western music and Television shows?
24. Do you feel like the music and shows have changed how people view sexuality in Ghana?
25. How do you feel about sex, dating and men/women?

You can respond by commenting on the blog or by emailing your responses to

2 comments On Research Paper on Ghanaian Dating & Sex Culture

  • Hey guys…. I would really appreciate it if you could help me out by answering these questions. I’m writing my thesis and it would be really helpful. Thank you sooo much… in advance,


  • 1. Name (Optional: If you don’t want me using your name): Nana Darkoa

    2. Age: 32

    3. Gender: Female

    4. Nationality: Ghanaian/British (Dual Nationality)

    5. Countries where you’ve lived? How long? Ghana 20 years, UK 12 years

    6. What city are you in right now? Accra

    7. Can you describe what it’s like dating in Ghana? Ermmm, i feel like i don’t date that much. I occasionally go out with a guy who is interested in me romantically

    8. Where do young men and women go out on dates? Why? Restaurants mainly and bars. Occasionally the beach. Both venues allow you to talk and are readily available

    9. What is expected of a good woman? Bad woman? Good women are expected to have the interests of their partners/husbands/family at heart and to be selfless. A good woman is also usually an avid church goer. A Bad Woman does what she wants and does not always obey social norms

    10. What is expected of a good man? Bad man? A good man is responsible, earns a good wage and is responsible for his family. A bad man is irresponsible and doesn’t take care of his financial obligations.

    11. How does society expect men and women to behave in a relationship? Society expects men and women to play stereotypical roles in the main. Woman takes care of home, children and family’s needs whilst the man provides

    12. What happens if those expectations are not met? The man is looked down on and depending on the context the woman is seen as ‘westernised’ or not well well traiined.

    13. If a young woman is interested in a guy, what should she do? In a subtle way let him know she is interested.

    14. How important is money in a relationship? Why? Very important. A lot of relationships break down because of money directly or indirectly

    15. Who is expected to make the money? Why? Men, because the society is largely patriarchal

    16. Once married, who usually decides how money is spent? In modern families usually both couples, in traditional families the man

    17. Who decides how many children to have? Why? The woman, the couple, the man – depending on their local context.

    18. What are some sexual taboos in Ghana… Things that people don’t usually talk about favorably in the bedroom? Same sex relationships

    19. Do you wish that these things weren’t taboo? Clearly – i try to create a platform on my blog to talk about these issues amongst the more ‘vanilla’ ones

    20. What are your thoughts on virginity? Is it important? Why or why not? Virginity is important only because society has placed a premium on women’s chastity

    21. What do you expect from a man/women when it comes to sexual relationships? Good Sex?

    22. How do you feel Western culture (American & European) has influenced thoughts on sexuality in Ghana (relationship wise, sexuality wise, and the role man and women play in society? I think we live in a globalised society so the west has an influence on Ghana but the west itself has been influenced by the east and many southern countries.

    23. As far as you can remember, since when has Ghana had access to Western music and Television shows? When i was a chid, perhaps about 8 or so

    24. Do you feel like the music and shows have changed how people view sexuality in Ghana? Yes people are more overt with their sexuality especially the youth

    25. How do you feel about sex, dating and men/women? Good sex is great and dating can be fun!

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