Happy New Year

Happy New Year! In a few days this blog will be 3 years old, and what an exciting 3 years it has been. When I started this blog with Abena I did not anticipate how popular it would become, and how much support I would receive from the numerous people who read the blog. I am truly grateful to all of you that take time to send me emails, comment on the blog and especially those who write guest contributions.


Here are my hopes for ‘Adventures’ for the year 2012:


  • Post more guest contributions from African women all over the continent. So far, I think the majority of contributions have come from West Africa and the Diaspora. I would really like to hear more from my sisters in East, Southern, Central and Northern Africa.


  • I would like the blog to become multi-lingual. Wouldn’t it be fab to have some posts in diverse African languages? As well as the other languages spoken on the continent – French, Portuguese, and Arabic? Hmm but how will I be able to fulfil my curator role?


  • I would like more posts that look at issues around ‘faith and sex/sexuality’.


  • I would like more posts that look at the full spectrum of sexuality, and the effects of increasing homophobia on the LGBTQI communities on the continent.


  • How about some posts from women involved in sex work? Any women who are clients of sex workers?


  • Experiment with video and audio blogs.


  • Some expert guest posts would be nice. Posts from a qualified sex therapist, psychiatrist, gynaecologist, etc


What would you add to this list? Do you think the website needs a re-design for 2012? What should we change, include, consider if we go ahead with a redesign? What kind of topics would you like us to discuss on ‘Adventures’ in this year?


I hope you will all help to make my hopes for 2012 come true. Thank you so much for reading ‘Adventures’ and spreading the word…

4 comments On Happy New Year

  • Hi Nana

    Happy New Year to you and the readers of the blog. Yours was the first African sex blog I discovered and it has been nothing but refreshing and a joy to read. Thank you very much. I started my own blog close to three weeks ago. It would be great if you had a look. Its more about me sharing my experiences and my sexual journey. It is a bit more vulgar in comparison to yours but tastefully vulgar if that makes sense.

    I look forward to reading more from you.

  • Nana, congrats on the blog anniversary and a bleated Happy Birthday. This blog is an inspiration. I wish you and Abena more success in this new year. I like all your goals especially experimenting with audio and video blogs. I owe you a post :). Definitely, a redesign would be nice also. Might I suggest slightly larger text fonts? Thanks in advance :).

  • African women are really beautiful and feminine, they can be more consistent with male sex desires. Dressing manner of African women is more attractive. Because of they have more feminine gender specifications. African nature is so beautiful too.

  • @Dru – Thanks so much for discovering this blog. It is for all of us 🙂 I will be sure to check out your’s.

    @Kinna – Thank you so much hun! Can I also take this opportunity to say how much I enjoy your blog? Your’s is simply awe inspiring especially for someone like me who loves book and has fallen so far off from my usual reading habits. Thanks for all the feedback. Larger fonts will definitely be incorporated in the nextre-design

    @Explore Nature – Ermmmm. My response could end up being an entire blog post. Much as I appreciate your compliment, I’m concerned cos I’m hearing hints of exoticisation…or maybe its all in my head. Anyway, thank you for reading

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