On testosterone and being an abnormal woman

You may remember my previous post about the doctor who wanted to give me a baby through my knees? Well I found another Dr who is really nice, easy to talk to, and doesn’t want to give me a baby through my knees. To jog your memory (or in case you didn’t read my previous post on the subject), I wanted to see a gynaecologist because a scan had revealed the lining of my womb was thicker than normal. The gynaecologist I eventually saw also did a scan and agreed that the lining of my womb was abnormally thick, and asked me to do a blood test on the second day of my period.  So I did. The results of the test showed that my testosterone levels were three times the level that a ‘normal’ sexually mature woman would have. The Dr had also written in his notes that I was hirsute and had ‘male’ hair pattern. We had a conversation about the results of the test. I disputed that my testosterone levels were abnormal – surely if that is what I naturally have then its natural to me. No, that’s not what God has given other women he responded. But that is what he has given me, I retorted. And I don’t have male pattern hair. But you do, when I was giving your scan I made a note. Oh, the hair around my belly button? I had never thought about that as a male trait but I guess it is…a lot of men have hair trailing a path from their belly button to their public area and I have a similar thing – with thinner more downy hair I regularly get rid off.


The Dr wanted to put me on meds, which would reduce my testosterone levels. Apparently high levels of testosterone are endemic to sperm – and of course we had the conversation every Dr seems to have with me nowadays – why don’t you have children?


Oh and the abnormally thick lining of my womb? It seems that I am over producing ovaries, and not shedding everything during my period. But I bleed for 6 days, I wailed. So I need to take meds to counteract that too.


I don’t want to take medicine to reduce my testosterone levels. I’m no medical practioner but I suspect that change in my hormone levels will affect me in several ways. I am concerned it will affect my sex drive, my levels of aggressiveness, and my mood. If that level of testosterone were not normal why would I naturally have it? If I think of the women in my family it’s easy to surmise that we have higher levels of testosterone than the general female population.  I have cousins from my father’s side of the family who have voices as deep as any man. I have aunties who have the makings of a beard. I have grand aunts who have a sprinkling of chest hair. I had always inwardly felt lucky that I didn’t have these male characteristics, but I guess I do, and that’s okay. Or is it? I asked the Dr what would happen if I didn’t go on any medication, and he said many years down the line that lining in my womb can turn cancerous. We agreed I would do my own research and get back to him. Can I consider this part of my research? Has anybody had a similar diagnosis? Have you taken any medicine to shed the lining of your womb? Have you been on medications to regulate your hormones? What kind of effects has that had on you?

11 comments On On testosterone and being an abnormal woman

  • Intuition is powerful so whatever you decide to do, keep listening to your gut feeling to find balance. doing some research first is agreat idea. And a 2nd opinion might be worth getting too. Medical science is too linked to gender politics and religion to not be questioned & from what I understand even men’s supposed high testosterone levels actually have little to do with anything (sex drive, aggression etc.) Good luck sis, take good care!

  • I think everything in “nature” is on a spectrum, a continuum. Very few things are absolute. That is not how nature is set up. As you were listing the male patterns, I was checking them off. Some of these are applicable to me and lots of other women, I’m sure. Like MsAfropolitan, I’d advise a second opinion. Then try and find out what “abnormal” levels actually means and if it is in any way detrimental to your health. As you said, the “abnormality” is normal to you. Good luck, my dear.

  • I just noticed the grammar typos in my comment – terrible, sorry!
    Beautifully said @Kinna, I agree.

  • i have been on medication to regulate my hormones,mine was because the lining of my womb was too thin. It wasn’t so bad. i don’t even remember any real effect it had on my mood or anything like that. i agree with Kinna and MsAfopolitan on getting a second opinion. if they say it can turn into something bad in the long run, i say deal with it now. hey i have the hair trailing from the belly button to to the pubic area as well. i think it’s normal in a lot of ladies. all the best! you’re still my fav blogger! :o)

  • What MsAfropolitan said wrt medical science being linked to gender politics and religion.

    I also do not understand why the doctor called you hirsute for having some hair around your belly button. Have you seem the images that accompany the Wiki page on hirsutism? I have some hair around my belly button as well and I’ve looked into hirsutism (for examples of what I’ve found, see here and here). I don’t believe I am hirsute as my body hair is light and does not grow excessively, I do not have a beard or a hairy back and/or bum. I wouldn’t want to take hormonal drugs either.

  • It sounds like you have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which will also explain the thick lining of the womb. But I agree with a second opinion, probably from an endocrinologist.

  • No doc am I, but I’d be suspicious if he told me that the condition leads invariably to cancer. Not surprised that you have high testosterone levels… 🙂 there was a discussion on the Beeb this morning on testosterone in sports, and how having sex often unleashes more testosterone, and how having more testosterone in turn enhances your sex drive. And eventually how all of that translates into great performance in some sports, but not those that require a great deal of concentration. So, get that second opinion, don’t do anything rash…

  • Argh! Just lost the comments that I had typed responding to each and everyone ….will have to respond in full later. Just wanted to say I appreciate all the thoughtful feedback, advice and links. Happy New Year all

  • I also was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I have abnormally high levels of testosterone. I also was diagnosed as having an extremely thick lining of the womb, which I was warned could turn cancerous (it had been misdiagnosed at a different place as fibroids). The main concern I think has to do with fertility issues. I ended undergoing a procedure similar to a D&C. Basically, I was put under and the lining scraped out. I was taking a whole lot of medications for a whole lot of other things, but long story short, lining is normal as are most other things. Best of luck. PS I also have the downy hair below my bellybutton, but it was never mentioned as part of the problem.

  • Hi Nana, happy new year!

    When you said everything my first thought was Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome as well…I have known 4 people close to me to have it.

    But as nearly everyone else has said seen a second opinion.

    I hate being told what constitutes a ‘normal’ woman! How dare he call you abnormal?! Am I being testy about this, but why couldn’t he say ‘typically woman have x, y and z’? (Answers own question: because Ghanaian’s typically think choice of language is irrelevant so long as you get the ‘main point’ across *groan*)

  • I don’t want my BFFFL to change! Say no to drugs!

    Unless those drugs end of saving your life…in which case, feel freee to say “yes”. You get where I’m going. 😉

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