Pussy Magnet?

Photography by Daniel Arthur

At an event in Accra a few weeks ago I saw this young man wearing a T shirt that says ‘Pussy Magnet’ (as pictured). I run after him and asked if I could take a picture for my blog. “So what does it mean when you have pussy magnet written on your t-shirt” I asked him. He was surprisingly bashful, and tried to laugh off my question. “You can’t be shy and wear a t-shirt like this you know”.  I can’t remember his exact words but basically he reckons women are attracted to him, and he loves ‘pussy’…or something along those lines.

What are your thoughts on sexually explicit t-shirts. I’m not a big fan personally. Would you ever approach a man wearing a ‘Pussy Magnet’ t-shirt?

Your thoughts?

10 comments On Pussy Magnet?

  • I would never approach a man wearing a ‘Pussy Magnet’ t-shirt. He’s either way too young for me, only interested in women who are way too young for him, or overcompensating…

  • crude t-shirts like that do nothing for me! They are funny (at best) in a wtf kind of way. I wouldn’t take a man who approached me wearing it seriously at all.

  • i would want to have a conversation with the person wearing a shirt like that.. know y they think it’s cool or funny or whatever..

  • 2 be quite frank, if I saw a dude with that, I’d think the following in the order as numbered.
    1.) Meathead
    2.) Small woola woola
    3.) Ego from here to the ends of this world
    4.) Small woola woola!

  • I’ll think the person has a cynical personality. My initial reaction was………..lmao. And being that he was shy about it when you approached him, I would say he has a humorous personality. However, if he was approaching women in the T-shirt, then what a huge turn off. But it appears that he didn’t (?). In fact, Nana ran after him………….indeed he’s a pussy magnet one way or the other…………LMAO.

  • I agree with RenD. The wearer of the t managed to get Nana to run after him. Attraction? Simple, isn’t it. He might not necessarily be a ‘devourer’.

  • I’ve heard this term, but its used among guys 2 refer 2 sleek cars. apparently, cos they get a lot of “women” when they have those *whatever*
    Anyway, i don’t like such shirts, its kinda silly 2 me n i will never approach a guy wearing one, its not mature!

  • @NinaG – Hmmm. Overcompensating huh? I hadn’t thought of that angle 🙂

    @LadyNgo – I too would be put off by a guy approaching me in a t-shirt like that

    @ Ozohu – Its definitely a conversation starter! I remember speaking to another guy at the mall a long while ago because he was wearing a t-shirt which basically claimed he was the ish in the bedroom. So I asked him if he would give me a refund if he wasn’t…

    @AfricanMami – Lol. Woola woola is a new one for me.

    @RenD – Haha. I did run after him didn’t I 🙂

    @bubu – Touche

    @Pink – I see…so ‘pussy magnet’ then is anything that attracts ‘women’ to you. And of course we haven’t even delved into the whole issue of reducing women to their sexual organs. A topic for another post I guess

  • If I remember correctly, another t-shirt that had “I Eat Pussy” on it was regarded as largely funny on this site… I wonder why this is getting such generally negative views. Both I find funny…..

  • I have a ‘thing’ for arrogant guys with a wicked sense of humor so while I wouldn’t approach a man in a top that explicit I wouldn’t automatically say no if he approached me.
    If he seemed like a nice guy wearing it for a laugh and actually quite embarrassed to be taken seriously…..who knows

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