The relationship between power and sex is most evident to me when…

I’m sharing another writing exercise my Fab Fem group did a while ago. Why don’t you share your own response. “The relationship between power and sex is most evident to you when…” Send me your post via adventuresfrom[at] and it could be posted here.


I allow someone to fuck me when I am not completely ready

When I allow someone to fuck me just because he has made me cum…and thinks the next move should automatically be his penis inside my body

When I get what I want because he desires me…even though I know I will never allow him to sleep with me

When I feel bad about ending a buddyship because I don’t want to hurt my buddy

When I want to be made love to

When I need to be made love to

When I want more than sex but cannot voice that desire

When I’m scared of what will happen if I ever sleep with him and what happens if his wife ever finds out about us

When everybody will say, “Ah you see these feminist women. They are always stealing someone else’s man”

That I can never run for public office…or I can run and have everybody talk about the skeletons that I have placed in the public domain

That I will struggle to teach my unborn daughter everything I want her to know about sex and power

That I constantly struggle with sex and power

That sex is power

5 comments On The relationship between power and sex is most evident to me when…

  • Number 1 for sure!!!

  • The relationship between power and sex is most evident to me when
    a. I get involved with people that have low self esteem
    b. I get involved with people that have little confidence in their own power
    c. I get involved with people that don’t know that game recognize game.

    • @Mikey Mike – Interesting response. I think the point of this exercise is to recognise when you give away (loose) power when it comes to sex/sexual relationships. Your comment is all about the other person. How about you? What does it say about your own relationship to power when you get involved with people that have low self esteem, little confidence in their own power, or do not recognise that game recognises game?

  • I have reflected on this. Difficult to come up with any instance where that relationship between sex and power is significantly evident, with me giving away power.
    Possible that relinquishing power is something I’m unable to do.
    As sexual as I am, any instance involving sex puts me on the winners podium anyway. (no need to think about power when I’m winning)

    Taking a closer look at my own relationship to power & sex, I find it boring dealing with people that have low self esteem & low self confidence. It is the opposite with those I get involved with that have a hidden agenda. That one becomes a game I enjoying playing to win.

  • My answer is in two parts – the past and the present.

    The Past:
    The relationship between power and sex is most evident to me
    a. when I knew I shouldn’t be there but I found ‘valid’ reasons to stay in the wrong woman’s bed.
    b. when I risked my reputation and health to do ‘risky’ stuff (yeah, stuff)

    The Present:
    The relationship between power and sex is most evident to me
    a. when I postpose an appointment because my woman wants me, and is ready to go!
    b. when we risk ‘getting caught’ by having sex in a public place.

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