Twi dirrrrrrty talk help.

As you all know – or maybe don’t – I am currently writing an erotic novella which features a Twi-speaking dude from Kumasi called Richard. Well, he’s a bad, bad boy and I would really love to have some original or commonplace sayings or sex talk which would take place in the heat of the moment.

It could also be language used to woo or seduce, African style. (VV if you’re reading this, I would really like to use some of the sentences from your other post on the subject!) I’d appreciate the translations as well, please.

I need this as soon as you can think of it, if you guys don’t mind. I am facing a bit of a block because Richard is supposed to be a sexy-ass dude who grew up in Kumasi and saying ‘Chale’ is so far, as Ghanaian as he gets!

9 comments On Twi dirrrrrrty talk help.

  • Me p3 s3 me hw3 wo de w’onsa ka wo tw3ba no ma me…I want to watch you touch your clitoris

    Me de wo b3 k0 3po mu 3di wo——-I will take you into the ocean and fuck you

    Ma me nfa wo k0te ano ntwetwe wo tw3ba no——-Let me rub my cock against your clit

    b3 tena me k0te so na di me. na nfa m’adwene mu——sit on cock and give me a mind-blowing fuck

    lol..does this help? lol

  • hahaaha @ kot, is your name short for kote3? eii and where did you get the phrases from? hahahaa no size! charley i feel u waaaa!

    @ Nnenna, honey why dont u colaborate with VV since she has a boyfriend who’s been saying sexy things to her in twi- i refer to the the blog posting ‘fucking ghana into me’

  • @ Nnenna: cant wait to read your story about the dirty speaking twi guy! you’re a wonderful writer.

  • @Nnenna – You might alao want to check out a post by ‘True Kumasi’ via

    I know VV has been very busy recently, and has a hectic schedule still so I suspect she hasn’t been on Adventures to see these messages. But there are 20,000 people reading Adventures monthly and I know a good number of them are Ghanaian so people do not be shy and give us some dirrrrtttyyyyy Twi words 🙂

  • Ekuba, I asked VV aaaaaages ago and I haven’t yet got a reply. I also asked if I could use the ones she put up on the post. Thank you so much for the compliment (I am now afraid about the number of Ghanaians who know about my man from Kumasi!)

    @Kot, Thank you so much! So, what would be the significance of the ocean? Does it mean something other than it is?

    @Nana, thank you so much! I have only just come online and don’t worry, the piece for STWNM will be up before midnight. I have been sweating because I got another email from my editor that is keeping me up at night!

  • unfortunately or fortunately, KOT is a woman 🙂 @ Nnena, let’s just say, it is mind blowing to be fucked in the ocean with the high and lows of the tide and waves

  • After all these posts with Twi dirty talk, I must say my wish to improve my Twi has quadrupled, hehe. Also, I love that clitoris has its own locally construed word!

    @ kot Saa?

  • OK, now say our girl is a virgin and Richard our Kumasi dude is going to disvirgin her, what kind of things would he say?

    I mean like ‘Chest smacking’ stuff. As I understand it’s a thing of pride to be a girl/boy’s first person no?

    And you guys will get an Adventures acknowledgement for helping out!

  • Don: White Chocolate

    A couple of ways bad boys talk during sex. Note some are really crude:

    –You my bitch (I know this one can be a real hot button);
    –Suck down every drop of my cum;
    –Take my cum on your face;
    –Rub your clit while you suck me;
    –I wanna watch you fuck yourself with your dildo;
    –Beg for my cock.

    Anything helpful?

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