Dark Brown Skin…

Why do you have your hand on your stomach”? I moved my hand away. It had been a semi-unconscious effort on my part to cover that part of my body, which I haven’t yet learned to love. He gazed at my body for what felt like 5 minutes but only a minute or two must have passed when he said, “Your skin glows in the dark. And you have this lovely dip right here” he said, as he touched the bone by the V dividing what I think of as my chunky thighs. “It’s usually only men that have it”. I laughed, “So you’re saying I look like a man now?” I teased, but I knew exactly what he meant. One of my favourite bits on a man’s body is the deep V where his pelvic bones sit. The video to THAT untitled track by D’Angelo where the camera pans dangerously close to his pelvic bones must be one of my favourite videos of all time. “Stand up for a minute” he said whilst holding my hands and simultaneously pulling me up. I stood by the bed whilst he continued to gaze at my body. He looked at me like he was trying to memorise my body in case he didn’t see me for another 17 months. In our text banter earlier on that day he had said, “Can you believe it’s been 17 months since we last hooked up?” I was surprised that he knew exactly how long it had been since we had been physically bonded. His eyes lingered on my full breasts, which curve down, and rise to a peak. His hands traced my waist as he stroked my waist beads. Gently he turned me round and continued to gaze at my body from the rear. “Your body is really something you know”, he said to my back. I smiled and looked in the mirror that hangs on the wall by my bed. He didn’t seem to see what I see when I look in the mirror – decent boobs which are a tad too full at the moment, a waist that curves in pleasantly yet is overshadowed by my belly which seems to be permanently bloated. I remember the nutritionist I saw about 7 years ago who adviced me to stop eating sugar, wheat, gluten and corn to combat the bloat. Sometimes I hear the voice of my ex husband who would sing-song ‘belly’s going to get you’, to inspire me to loose my gut, and then I remember the weeks I spent attending Weight Watchers meetings in the U.K. and being extremely proud when I got to goal at 10”10 in 2008. Over the course of the past 5 years, an additional 7 pounds had crept on to my body with every slice of kenkey, morsel of jollof rice and the countless cocktails that passed my lips. Yet he saw dark brown skin that glowed in the dark…

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