‘Adventures’ Wins Two out of Three Ghana Social Media Awards

As most of you know, Adventures from the Bedrooms of African Women was nominated for three categories in the Ghana Social Media Awards/BlogCamp 2013 earlier this year. The categories were “Best Blog”, “Best Activist Blog” and “Best Original Content”.

Adventures won the first two categories!

We can’t thank our readers – first of all – enough. Your insightful comments and shared experiences have built Adventures into the community that it is today, and why it continues to grow. And secondly, but no less importantly, thank you to everyone who voted on the BloggingGhana site for Adventures as often as you did. You made this moment possible.

This is just a short note to inform you of our triumph as a band of rogue sisters (and a few brothers) taking over the internet one keystroke at a time. Nana Darkoa will be giving us all a full report very soon, complete with sights, smells and emotions from the event. I have demanded that we get nothing less than absolute and utter sensory inundation!

Our sincere thanks to you all once again. 🙂

Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some partying to do.

Malaka & Nana


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