Blurred boundaries: Threesomes and friendships by Guest Contributor Ingrid

Photo by bodylogue


I oil up, switching between the non-scented and scented.

Don’t quite know what to do with myself

So I write while you shower

I lie here not sure if I can imagine you in there or not

What do friends do when they’ve been playing around for a while

Toying with the idea of a three-some

I wonder what boundaries exist between friends who want to still stay friends

After it’s all over


You return from the shower wrapped in your peach towel

I avoid your eyes; you disappear

You come back a second time

This time in a short silky lingerie that clings to your curves

I want to rub the silk and create friction

You bend over to turn off the music

I sneak a glance

Yes, you are sexy,

Yes, I want to touch you

Yes, to that three-some


Yet, I say nothing

We talk for what seems like ages after the movie ends

We discuss the plot, the characters and how they played their roles

We begin a game of 20 Questions, sometimes getting real personal

You make a confession

You want to touch my breasts

You want to suck on them

I say I’m not sure we are supposed to be doing anything

After all, this is not the three-some we agreed on

Yet our bodies lie naked, separated only by silk



Your rabbit made you have mini ones

I watched in awe of the beauty

Of your body laid before me

I studied your vulva as the rabbit moved

Your soft moans and utterances

You did it for yourself

You came several times

I watched you

The pleasure I felt, visible

Leaving a warm glow

A trail through my body

I longed to join you

Pull out my own toy and play

But watching you sufficed

I had turned you on

I had made you wet

That was enough for me


Now I wonder

Because that is what I do best

Process events

So I wonder how our friendship is now|
Post sharing a bed

Post being naked with each other

Do I still feel the same towards you

What I hope we’ve done is build a tighter bond

Made me less shy and nervous around you

I only have to remember I’ve had the privilege of seeing you




I struggle to find sufficient words for the last 24 hours

You were gentle, encouraging

Yet unwavering

In telling me what you wanted to do to me

I was the shy one

Suddenly feeling

I wasn’t good enough

Or making a mistake

Messing with those boundaries

I am the thinker, the over-thinker

So it goes without saying I steep in self-doubt


Yet no one had warned me

That a quiet would settle over me

As I took you in

Admired your body

Saw all the parts I had only imagined

Naked before me now

Open to my touch

It felt too good to be real

I worried that maybe

Just maybe this time

I had put too many expectations on the moment

And maybe it would backfire


P.S: Check out Kuuks blog at Musings of an African Woman

What are your thoughts on having a threesome with your friend(s)? A recipe for disaster or maybe a chance to deepen your friendship? Have you ever had a threesome with a friend before? What was it like?

Photo credit: Bob Pixel
Photo credit: Bob Pixel

Listen to the audio version this story on Apple, Spotify and Soundcloud

9 comments On Blurred boundaries: Threesomes and friendships by Guest Contributor Ingrid

  • I’m gonna stick my tongue out and say God didn’t create Adam, Eve and Eva; Adam, Steve and Stephen; nor Eve, Eva and Evangeline.
    On the real though, it has never been a fantasy of mine and I don’t know how I’d react if my partner requested for that.
    Speaking of which, how come when it comes to impasses about what one would or wouldn’t do sexually, the more conservative one is coerced to acquiesce?
    Now to your story – it depends o… A hypothetical ideal situation would have to be someone I/we’d never have to see again, but then that carries more risk. A friend who lives across the country, maybe?

    • Looool Nyamek3, so many contradictions in your comment…God didn’t create Adam, Eva and Eva but maybe a friend who lives across the country maybe? Okay I’ll let that one slide and get to the bit of your comment that really interests me. Who says the more conservative one has to acquiesce when it comes to sex? Maybe the less dominant one ends up submitting to what the other one wants but I think that’s more about power than whether you be conservative or liberal. Personally I feel like my default position tends to be to go along with what my partner wants as long as I am also getting mine…I have to often remind myself forcibly that ‘no you actually want to do x,y, and x so open your mouth and say it’. Unless I’m in a relationship where I feel like I have the upper hand. You get me?

      • @NanaDarkoa: I was just stating the obvious ‘argument’ most people put forward against it. It was totally tongue-in-cheek, that comment.

        About the acquiescence, I wasn’t really taking it from the power angle. I guess I’m just tired of the many accounts of people who didn’t want threesomes, open-relationships, etc. feeling or being told if they really loved the person, they’d give them what would make them happy. What about the other person letting a few fantasies go out of love?
        I have a friend in a one-way open relationship, who is now being asked to consider a threesome on top and I guess I’m just venting some of that frustration from her experience here.

        • Ahhh. I get you now. For me that kind of scenario you’re describing with your friend doesn’t sound like a good one at all…no one should have to do anything they don’t want to do, not even to please their partner…

  • I could never have a threesome with a friend. All my friends have kids. I don’t want to do it with another woman who’s had kids swinging off her breasts.

    Shallow, I know.

  • Threesome, ke! Need to just manage the one am doing now. Managing myself and him is stressful enough, I should now add a friend. Aha! No. It’s enough. However, to each his own. Threesome has never been a fantasy of mine.

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