I can be at yours in 5 minutes and be out just as quickly. All I want to do is give you pleasure.
Yaw and I had been chatting for a couple of months now, probably 3, and I knew full well he had a crush on me. He also knew full well his feelings towards me were not reciprocal but he was happy to be able to chat and occasionally spend time with me. He had made it clear on several occasions that he wanted to fuck me and depending on my mood I would listen whilst he went on and on about what he wanted to do to me, and other times I would say, “You can keep your thoughts to yourself”.
I have noticed that the longest period I can seem to go without sex (with another person) is 3 months. At or around the 3 month period of no sex I make the most irrational decisions. Once such decision was agreeing that Yaw could come over and go down on me even though Abdul and I had made plans for that same night. Yaw knew about my plans with Abdul which is why he insisted he could be there and gone within minutes. He kept his word. He came, went down on me, I came twice, and he jerked himself off whilst looking at my pussy. Don’t you love men who are easily pleased?
After Yaw left I noticed that my period had started 3 days early according to my period calendar app. Ah, now my illogical decision made sense. Why would I go ahead and ask Yaw to come over when I already had plans with Abdul? And in recent times Abdul is the lover that pleases me the most. I will bend over to put on some ‘sexy time’ music, and in a flash Abdul’s fingers will be in between my legs. His oral technique is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, and I knew for sure that I was having great sex with him when one evening I got up and fixed him a plate to eat because he was hungry. Me, Nana Darkoa? Ei! It was like the man had done me juju o. I don’t get up and cook for just anyone.
On the other hand, Abdul is a flake. Two weeks ago he had said he would come and see me over the weekend. I never heard from him. About a month ago I whatsapp’d him to ask if he would like to have sex that night. He sent me several enthusiastic emoticons, and I told him I would be home that night but I woke up the next morning to realise he hadn’t showed at all.
I feel like Yaw and Abdul epitomize my current issues with younger men. There is always the one who is so into you, but somehow you are not that into him (sexually), and then there is the one who gets your body excited but…
Who else has this dilemma?

15 comments On Oral Sex in 5 Minutes
Hope your sex life this year is not as shitty as 2013……
Me!!!! (although its with men of the same age) me! me! me! and a couple of my friends as well. We just cannot have it all. Just yet. But we will
So strange. I know I had seen more comments on this post but they seem to have disappeared? Oh well
@Ranv – I laughed when I read your comment. I actually don’t know. Sex hasn’t exactly been on tap but that’s down to me having lost interest in a lot of previous lovers, and recycling is kinda my thing. I haven’t felt the need to do a video about that though so maybe in a way it hasn’t been as shitty? Here’s to an orgasmic 2015
@Awura – Yes we will indeed
Yeah, I remember someone asking for one if this was a picture of my pussy…Short answer, no 🙂
i remeber asking if it is your pussy. it is a fine one and i had an erection when i first saw it.
It’s mine. And thanks.
It’s yours? REALLY! ????. How did you get a picture of it locking soo slick?
It’s very…… (lost for words) in a good amazed way.
Girl, I’m playing. We had this discussion before, and I was referring to that.
This is sooooo me!
I’m falling in love with this website …
Please fall hard 🙂
I for one think Nana should do another vid about her shitty sex life. It makes her look more human…and it makes me laugh.
@Malaka – what makes you think I am having a shitty sex life. Ei! Don’t you want me to prosper? Hahahahah. Hehehehe. A video is a good idea. I have been wanting to blog for a while and haven’t been able to make the time so a video may be that perfect happy medium
Somebody educate me on this,how can one come twice in 5 minutes?is that possible???is minutes not too short for any normal lady to come??
Erm….. Ama, I think it is perfectly normal for a woman to come twice in five minutes oo…..at least I know that the missus can come twice in 5 minutes, which makes Nana Darkoa normal. Who knows? She might have had some really awesome mental foreplay..