Vote for Adventures to win Best Blog at the Ghana Social Media and Blogging Awards

In 2013, we won best blog and best activist blog at the Ghana Social Media and Blogging Awards.

Nana Darkoa picking up 'best activist blog', and 'best overall blog' on behalf of 'Adventures From' at the 1st Ghana Social Media Awards
Nana Darkoa picking up ‘best activist blog’, and ‘best overall blog’ on behalf of ‘Adventures From’ at the 1st Ghana Social Media Awards

In 2014, we won best blog

Actress Edith Nuong picks up the best blog award on behalf of the Adventures family.
Actress Edith Nuong picks up the best blog award on behalf of the Adventures family.

It’s 2015 now and we would really, really, really like a hat trick. Wouldn’t that be so cool? To win best blog three consecutive years? That would mean so much to us. It would be an indication of how powerful this space that we have collectively built is, and show that you all value the freedom to express yourselves in all your diverse sexualities. So please vote for us once more. And tell all your friends to vote for us. And share this post on your Facebook, Twitter, and all those social media sites you run.

To vote click here

We’re relying on you to make us winners again. And then we can chill next year and allow someone else to take the best blog price 🙂



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