Vlog: My 20 day period

Yes. 20 days. As in 1,2, 3...all the way to 20. It may even have been 21. At some point in time I got tired of counting.

And I even forgot to talk about how one day I couldn't find my tampon. It was meant to be inside me, and it was around midnight so my best friend had to put on a pair of disposable gloves and go fishing around my bloody vagina. That's true love right there. The worst thing was, it wasn't even there. Apparently it's possible for a tampon to drop out when you are doing a number 2 or something (yes the following day we went to the surgery and my bestie who also happens to be a Dr double checked with a spectrum and no the tampon was definitely not there). And clearly I'm not the kind of person who looks back at the bowl...

But back to the 20 day period. And the mirena coil. And pulling out the mirena whilst administering a self test for STDs. And yayyy for clear results but damn, that was a whole lot of drama. Anyway watch the vlog and share your experiences of the mirena, any other IUD, overly long period and if your friend has ever had to take a friendly look inside your vagina.

Watch the video blog here

2 comments On Vlog: My 20 day period

  • I am so sorry you have to go through all this trouble for something natural, this monthly thing is what makes you unique as a woman.

  • I left a comment on G+. Girl, you haves muh sympathies. Here’s to the return of a regular 4-5 day period, heavy or not. 20 days is too much. Ah!

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